

From Innovative Science to Optimal Health Outcomes

Developing Medications that are Safe, Efficacious & Patient-friendly

From Innovative Science to Optimal Health Outcomes

Research in NUS Pharmacy

Our research in the Department of Pharmacy has constantly evolved over the years, by covering highly diversified research topics and innovative disciplines, and by merging them together into a common tripartite drug-product-patient approach. Our dedicated scientists (including about 30 PIs and around 80 graduate students) undertake both basic and translational research projects to improve therapeutic interventions in key areas comprising cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, immunotherapy, inflammation, neurological disorders and tissue repair.

Our research programme revolves around 4 main domains, namely Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Biology and Pharmacokinetics, Pharmaceutical Technology and Clinical & Practice. This has the purpose of aligning the recent revamp of the curriculum for undergraduate and graduate Pharmacy students with the Centre for Future-ready Graduates (CFG) learning programmes. Therefore, our newly renovated laboratories enable researchers to work on cutting-edge projects through strategic collaborations among our multi-disciplinary team of pharmaceutical scientists and clinical pharmacists. In addition to the departmental research programs, many of us also participate in specialized research initiatives, some of which are interdisciplinary, inter-departmental, or inter-institutional in nature. Hence it is quite common, especially for our clinical faculty, to hold additional affiliations (e.g. with health institutions). In this way, we are able to establish a wide collaborative network to achieve our research objectives.

Research Domains

Research Events