Our History

Our History

The Pharmacy History

In Singapore, Pharmacy education began in 1905 with the establishment of the Department of Pharmaceutics at the King Edward VII College of Medicine. In 1935, a Diploma course was introduced in the form of a full-time one-year study, preceded by a period of pupilage. This Diploma course was revised to a two-year study followed by a three-year pupilage, with the founding of the University of Malaya in 1949. A degree course in Pharmacy was introduced in 1957.

The School of Pharmacy was established in 1965, however, in 1974, Pharmacy joined the Faculty of Science as a Department at the University of Singapore. Today, the Department of Pharmacy remains as one of the six Departments that constitute the Faculty of Science at the National University of Singapore.

Over the last century, the Department has evolved in its approach to educating pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists for Singapore and Malaysia. The entry programme to pharmacy practice has been transformed from apprenticeship centred training in the early 1900s to the current 4-year Bachelor degree course, which comprises a strong scientific content together with an emphasis on competency in patient-centred care. Till today, the Department remains as the only place where Pharmacy education is being offered in Singapore. Therefore the Department has the responsibility to ensure that it is providing good quality educational programme to train pharmacists for Singapore.


Figure 1                                                                        Figure 2                                 Figure 3

Figure 1: The front facet of the College of Medicine

Figure 2: Wan Boo Sow’s Diploma conferred in 1948

Figure 3: Graduating Class of 1948



  • Department of Pharmaceutics

    1905-1913: Pharmaceutical license course
    1913-1928: Qualified dispense course

  • Department Of Pharmacy

    1928-1935: The course was discontinued
    1935-1952: Diploma in Pharmacy

  • University of Malaya in Singapore

    Department Of Pharmacy

    1950-1961: Diploma in Pharmacy
    1957-1962: Bachelor of Pharmacy

  • University of Singapore

    School Of Pharmacy

    1962-1972: Bachelor of Pharmacy
    1970-1980: Bachelor of Science (Pharmacy)

  • National University of Singapore

    Department Of Pharmacy

    1980-Present: Bachelor of Science (Pharmacy)
    1997: A 4 year course in Pharmacy was introduced


Year Content Source
1905-1963 The establishment of the Government Medicine School of the Straits Settlement and the Federated Malay States was in 1905, thought the initiation and interest of the business community in Singapore. This is the humble beginnings of National University of Singapore, hence the Centennial Celebrations in 2005.  The faculty of medicine, which consisted of the disciplines in medical, dental and pharmacy in the Sepoy Line campus, attracted students from all over Malaysia and Singapore and up to 1963, when the University of Malaya was established, had an enrolment of 50% of students from each venue. Link
1905 Straits Pharmaceutical Society, the predecessor of the present PSS was formed. It became mandatory, in the same year, to have a pharmaceutical licence in order to practise the pharmacy profession in Singapore. Link
1928 The SS Government appointed its first pharmacist, Mr T Roebuck, at the GH, and the Medical College appointed him as its lecturer in pharmacy. Link
1935 The College introduced a Diploma in Pharmacy course. The course consisted of 1 year of full-time study followed by a pupillage of not less than 3 years (this was modelled on the Chemist and Druggist Qualifying Examination of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain).
The School of Pharmacy was established. All the teaching was done by Mr Roebuck and Mr AF Caldwell, who had arrived in 1935 and who were also running the GH dispensary. The Pharmacy School closed during the Japanese Occupation.
1937 Straits Pharmaceutical Association began to admit locally trained registered pharmacists. Link
1950 A year after the formation of University of Malaya, a two-year full time Diploma in Pharmacy was introduced with two years practical training in a recognised hospital or retail pharmacy. Link
1965 Mr Yong Nyuk Lin’s Speech At Inauguration Of School Of Pharmacy on 29 May 1965.
Health Minister Yong Nyuk Lin speaks on:
– The progress in pharmaceutical education in Singapore over the past 60 years;
– The growth and achievements of the Department of Pharmacy, University of Singapore, in the last decade under its Director, Professor Elliot.
The Minister also announces his Ministry’s decision to stipulate that only qualified pharmacists can hold posts in the pharmaceutical trade.
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University of Singapore delivers the welcome address and Professor Elliot, the speech of thanks.
A three-year pass degree course leading to a Bachelor of Pharmacy degree was introduced under the School of Pharmacy.


1974 School of Pharmacy absorbed into Faculty of Science, University of Singapore, but Pharmacy graduates continue to be associated with Medical and Dental graduates as equal members of the Alumni Association. Link
1975 The Department of Pharmacy joined Faculty of Science in 1975. Before this, Pharmacy existed as a department in the Faculty of Medicine and following that, as an independent School of Pharmacy from 1965 to 1974.
The School of Pharmacy was re-organised and absorbed by the Faculty of Science as Department of Pharmacy offering B. Sc. (Pharmacy)

1980 After much public debate, the Government’s decision in April 1980 to merge the University of Singapore and Nanyang Singapore to form the National University of Singapore was received with overwhelming support. The National University became a legal entity on 8 August 1980. Operationally, however, it began on 7 July 1980. National University of Singapore.General Information, 1989-90; pp 1-5. [NUSL call no. LG399 NUS.GI]
1981 The Science Faculty of the National University of Singapore has moved into the new Bio-Science Complex at Kent Ridge, which was built at a cost of $47 million. The new 15-building complex will house the departments of chemistry, computer science, mathematics, pharmacy, botany, physics and zoology. Some $35 million of the total cost has been spent on the science departments. Business Times,  July 7, 1981, p.15
1981 In 1981, the Department of Pharmacy shifted to its new premises in the Kent Ridge Campus. A sparkling new 5-storey building S4 was assigned to Pharmacy. National University of Singapore. Faculty of Science. Old Memories – New Challenges: A Celebration of 70 Years of Commitment to Science, 2000; p 73. [NUSL call no. LG399 Nusfs.O1 2000]
1985 A Curriculum Review Committee, comprising academic staff and professional pharmacists in private practice, was set up to review the Pharmacy course structure and syllabuses [in 1985]. National University of Singapore. Annual Report, 1984-85; p 5. [NUSL call no. LG399 NUS.AR]
1986-7 In the Faculty of Science, Pharmacy will be offered as a first year subject for Pharmacy students in the new academic year. National University of Singapore. Annual Report 1987/88; p 8. [NUSL call no. LG 399 NUS.AR]
1987 Organised First Annual Pharmacy Congress. (chaired by Assoc Prof Alfred Wan, Department of Pharmacy, National University of Singapore) Link
1988-9 Science Enrichment Programme – Under a pilot project established by the Faculty of Science and the Ministry of Education [in 1988], outstanding first year junior college students who have an interest in and aptitude for scientific research were given the opportunity to participate in actual research under the guidance of NUS staff. The programme enhanced the student’s understanding of and appreciation of research and gave them an insight far beyond what they would have obtained from class-room instruction.” In 1989, the [Science Enrichment Programme] programme was renamed Science Research Programme (SRP) to better reflect the best approach to an appreciation of science research. National University of Singapore. Annual Report, 1988-1989; p 7. [NUSL call no. LG399 NUS.AR]
1989-90 The National University of Singapore has eight Faculties, viz. Arts and Social Sciences, Law, Science, Medicine, Dentistry, Engineering, Architecture and Building, Business Administration, and three Schools, viz. Postgraduate Medical Studies, Postgraduate Dental Studies, and Postgraduate Management Studies.” “The annual recurrent costs of the University are largely met by the Government of Singapore. National University of Singapore.General Information; 1989-90; pp 1-5. [NUSL call no. LG399 NUS.GI]
1990 NUS Pharmaceutical Society … witnessed [its] 30th Anniversary … since its founding in 1960 National University of Singapore. Pharmaceutical Society. Pharmaceutica, 1990/91; p 1. [NUSL call no. LH7 PHA]
1992-93 The Undergraduate Science Research Programme (USRP) was launched in the academic year 1992-93. This programme was initiated to allow undergraduates to participate in active research at the Faculty of Science, and to experience at first hand the exhilaration of discovery and invention. Students undertake all phases of research activity which include proposal writing, reading scientific journals, conducting actual research work, analysing data, attending seminars, and presenting results in oral and written form. National University of Singapore. Registrar’s Office. Prospectus, 1996-97; p 218. [NUSL call no. LG399 NUS.PR]
1994 …NUS Modular System will be introduced in the Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences, Engineering and Science and the School of Building & Estate management in the academic year 1994-5. The NUS Modular System reflects the University’s effort to constantly keep up with changing needs in order to produce graduates with the requisite knowledge and skills for the social and economic development of our country. It will combine the rigour and depth of the British system, including the system of external examiners and the advantages of small group teaching, with the flexibility and breadth of the American system. One of the objectives introducing the modular system is to provide a healthy diversity of learning opportunities so that students can develop t their full potential. National University of Singapore. The National University of Singapore modular system : academic year 1994/95; p 2. [NUSL call no. LG399 NUS.Nat]
1994 With the new [Modular] system, the academic year will be reorganised into semesters and students will be taught self-contained courses known as modules. The new system will also introduce a Special Term, six to eight weeks long, during year-end vacation when students can complete their degree requirements at their own pace and graduate earlier by offering more courses during this term. The modular system is therefore more flexible than the traditional British curriculum system. National University of Singapore. Campus News. No. 105, 1994; p 1. [NUSL call no. LG399 NUS.CN]
1994 …it was not until 1994 that the full three-year pharmacy course was reinstated. National University of Singapore. Pharmaceutical Society. Pharmaceutica, 2000; p 14. [NUSL call no. LH7 PHA]
1994-95 Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme in Science (UROPS) – Aiming at providing undergraduate students with a unique opportunity to work with one or more academic staff in a specific areas of study, the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme in Science (UROPS) was introduced in the Faculty of science in academic year 1994/1995. It allows the students to engage actively in research, discussions, intellectual communications and other creative activities and to experience at first hand the exhilaration of discovery and invention. National University of Singapore. Annual Report, 2000; p 23. [NUSL call no. LG399 NUSFS.AR]
1995 In 1995, Pharmacy was listed as a separate programme for the purpose of admission to the University. Pharmacy students were previously first admitted to Science before being selected to read Pharmacy. The Department of Pharmacy is revamping its curriculum in response to the fast-changing needs of the pharmaceutical profession. National University of Singapore. NUS : to meet the challenges of a developed nation : 90th anniversary, 1905-1995, 1995; p 47. [NUSL call no. LG399 NUS.Ns]
1996 NUS Faculty of Science to offer eight subject minors in new academic year 1996/97” “To meet the growing manpower needs in some critical and emerging areas in science and technology, the Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore, will offer its students, eight subject minors in the new academic year 1996/97. The new areas of concentration, introduced for the first time by the Faculty, are in the following industry-related areas: Agrotechnology, Analytical Chemistry, Biotechnology, Computational Finance, Computational Science, Computer Programming Applications, Management of Information Technology, and Semiconductor Technology. Students admitted to the Science degree programme will thus be able to complement their studies with these minor subject options which are industry-oriented. The options are intended to provide with greater breadth, relevance and multi-disciplinary experience.” “These subjects are designed to equip our Science students with relevant and marketable skills and knowledge in areas which are directly relevant to Singapore’s development. National University of Singapore. News Release, July 5, 1996, p ?. [NUSL call no. LG399 NUS.P]
1996 The Faculty of Science originally offered a Programme in Computational Science leading to an Honours degree starting in the academic year 1991/92. In March of 1996, the programme [in Computational Science] was converted to a Department in the Faculty of Science because of the importance of meeting the technical manpower training needs of Singapore. The National University of Singapore is one of the first universities in the world to introduce this subject at the undergraduate level. (Department of Computational Science, In: The National University of Singapore, Faculty of Science, 1999. p.1). [NUSL call no. LG 399 NUSFS.F]
1996 The School of Biological Sciences was established on 1 May 1996, through the merger of the Department of Botany (founded in 1949) and the Department of Zoology (founded in 1950). The formation of the School brought together the strengths and achievements of two of the oldest and best known departments in the University, a synergy that would further propel teaching and research in Biology in Singapore to greater heights in the next millennium. National University of Singapore.Prospectus; Registrar’s Office, National University of Singapore: Singapore, 1977-78; p 203. [NUSL call no. LG399 NUS.PR]
1996 The Pharmacy extension block was completed and handed over to the Department for occupancy in November 1996. National University of Singapore. Annual Report; 1996-1997; p 38. [NUSL call no. LG399 NUS.AR]
1996 NUS Department of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore collaboration on compulsory 200 contact hours of vacation attachment experience at pharmaceutical establishments for pharmacy undergraduates (November 1996). Link
1996 The subject Materials Science was introduced as a programme in the academic year 1991/1992. The programme matured into a full-fledged department in 1996, the first new department in the Faculty of Science since the merger of the university of Singapore with the Nanyang University in 1980. Department of Materials Science. In Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore, 1999; p 1. [NUSL call no. LG399 NUSFS.F]
1997 The University will also move towards a flat fee structure for all courses except Medicine and Dentistry. This is aimed at removing the fee differential which may deter good students from pursuing courses in Engineering and Science. Future Perfect: The University of Singapore: National University of Singapore Annual Report 1996-97, p.19. [NUSL call no. LG399.NUS.AR]
1997 In response to the need of the first phase of Singapore’s Industrialisation, the Department [of Chemistry] in 1961 introduced Applied Chemistry as a subject and developed it into a new, separate Department of Chemical Engineering (now part of the Faculty of Engineering) in 1975. The Department will reintroduce the Applied Chemistry course in 1997. National University of Singapore. Department of Chemistry. Research Interests and Graduate Studies in Chemistry, 1998; p 4. [NUSL call no. LG399 NUSDC.Re]
1997 The pharmacy course was extended to four years to provide for more training of patient-oriented skills. Students will undergo a 12-week Pharmacy Practice Preceptorship Programme to expose them to practice experience. National University of Singapore. Annual report, 1997-1998; p 20. [NUSL call no. , LG 399 NUS.AR]
1997 The GEA-NUS Pharmaceutical Processing Research Laboratory was set up in 1997 with the aim of developing new manufacturing processes and ways to deliver drugs into patients more efficiently and effectively for the treatment of diseases. National University of Singapore. Faculty of Science. Research Report, 1998; p 40. [NUSL call no. LG399 NUSFS.RP]
1998 Opportunities for cross-faculty learning were enhanced. With effect from July 1998, all first-year students will be required to take at least two modules outside of their faculties as part of the effort to broaden their intellectual horizons. Elements of national education and history of Singapore were introduced into the curricula of all faculties. National University of Singapore. Annual Report, 1997-1998; p 17. [NUSL call no. LG399 NUS.AR]
1998 In line with its strategy of attaining new heights of excellence, NUS has set up joint/double degree programmes with top overseas universities. Participants of the programme, whether local or international, will graduate with two degrees; one from the overseas university and a Master’s degree from NUS. Through this programme, NUS hopes to retain top local talent who might otherwise be tempted to opt for an overseas educational experience.  The joint/double degree programme comes at a time when the University is exploring new avenues to enrich NUS undergraduate culture. National University of Singapore. Campus News. No. 132, 1998; p 1. [NUSL call no. LG399 NUS.CN]
1998 The name of the School [of Biological Sciences] was changed to Department of Biological Sciences under the management of a Head on 1 May 1998. National University of Singapore. Department of Biological Sciences. Annual Report, 1997/98; p 1. [NUSL call no. LG399 NUSDBS]
1998 The Biomedical Science major started in 1998. The aim of this major is to train graduates who are able to work in medically-related areas such as biomedical research, pharmaceutical industries, hospital, government or industrial laboratories. The Biomedical Science programme is a broad-based course involving the participation of no fewer than 10 departments in the Faculties of Science and Medicine. Participating Departments: Anatomy, Biochemistry, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Community, Occupational & Family Medicine, Microbiology, Pathology (Laboratory Medicine, NUH), Pharmacology, Physiology, and Statistics & Applied Probability. National University of Singapore. Annual Report, 1999; p 14. [NUSL call no. LG399 NUSFS.AR]
1998 Established in 1998, the Chemical, Molecular and Materials Analysis Centre (CMMAC) at the Department of Chemistry, NUS, is a central instrumentation facility providing professional support to teaching and research in the academia and industry. National University of Singapore. Dept of Chemistry Home Page
1998 Cross-faculty modules became compulsory for all students (except those in Medicine and Dentistry) in 1998. (Pharmacy in Singapore: a journey through the years. Singapore: Ministry of Health, 2002, p. 48). [NUSL call no. RS 67.12 Pha 2002]
1999 Completed in late 1997, the building [of Department of Pharmacy] was officially opened by Deputy Vice Chancellor Professor Hang Chang Chieh in February 1999. National University of Singapore. Faculty of Science. Old Memories – New Challenges: A Celebration of 70 Years of Commitment to Science, 2000; p 75. [NUSL call no. LG399 Nusfs.O1 2000]
1999 The Pharmacy Practice Preceptorship Programme was introduced in 1999 to provide an experiential learning platform for undergraduate pharmacy students to imbibe professional ethics and practices under the tutelage of experienced practitioners. National University of Singapore. Centre for Development of Teaching and Learning. CDTLink, Vol.5, No.3, 2001; p. 11. [NUSL call no. LG399 CDTL]
1999-2000 From academic year 1999/2000, all science students will be on track to obtaining degrees in B.Sc., B.Appl.Sc., B.Sc.(Hons) or B.Appl.Sc.(Hons). Students are given the liberty to decide on the degree that they wish to pursue subject to individual academic competency, using the Cumulative Average Point (CAP) system as the gauge of their competency throughout their chosen course of study. In this system, there will be an integrated Honours Programme, and all Honours year modules are accessible whenever the students are ready. One important feature is the imposition of a CAP pre-requisite of 3.8 or higher for the Honours Project Module. This ensures that only the best students will qualify. National University of Singapore. Faculty of Science. Annual Report; 1999; pp 14-15. [NUSL call no. LG399 NUSFS.AR]
1999-2000 Just as the Core Honours Curriculum is an attempt to widen the breadth of knowledge of high aptitude students in NUS, the Cross Faculty Module programme is a concerted effort by the University to highlight the importance of cross-disciplinary knowledge to every undergraduate, so as to better prepare them for the workplace of the future. Cross Faculty Modules are essentially modules outside the resident faculty of a student, Student admitted in academic year 1999/2000 will need to read a total of 9 modular credits (MCs) of Cross Faculty Modules. This number will increase to 20 MCs for basic degree holders and 28 MCs for Honours degree holders in the coming academic year 2000/2001. National University of Singapore. Faculty of Science. Annual Report; 1999; p 17. [NUSL call no. LG399 NUSFS.AR]
1999/2000 To provide practicing pharmacists a venue for self-improvement, the Department also runs a two-year Master in Pharmacy (Clinical Pharmacy) course.  Six registered pharmacists enrolled in the course for the academic year 1999/2000. National University of Singapore. Faculty of Science. Annual Report,1999; p 29. [NUSL call no. LG399 NUSFS.AR]
2000 [In 2000, the Faculty of Science has] 8 departments – Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Statistics & Applied Probability, Computational Science, Materials Science and Pharmacy – and offer two degrees – BSc (Pass and Honours) and B Appl Sc (Pass and Honours) – covering 21 majors in total. The newest majors are in Biomedical Science, Chemistry with Management, Food Science & Technology, and Statistics. Old memories – new challenges: a celebration of 70 years of commitment to science, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore: Singapore, 2000; pp 24-25. [NUSL call no. , LG399 Nusfs.Ol]
2001 Replacing the Talent Development Programme (TDP) will be the University Scholars Programme (USP), an enhanced version of the TDP which will be launched in July 2001. The USP is a four-year Honours Programme targeting the best and the brightest of students, who will be able to achieve intellectual broadening across disciplines, with flexibility in designing their own majors. The aim of the USP is to mould future leaders who can come up with fundamental ideas and other intellectual products, synergize as well as galvanize existing ideas and break new ground within and among disciplines. National University of Singapore. Faculty of Science. Annual Report, 2000; p 22. [NUSL call no. LG399 NUSFS.AR]
2001 The new Food Science and Technology Suite, which is within the Department of Chemistry, was officially opened on 6 June 2001 by Mr Sidek Saniff, the Senior Minister of State for the Environment. This new facility, situated on level 6 of Block S3, comprises a food processing area, a food safety and quality laboratory, a taste panel area along with a graduate research laboratory, and staff offices for the FST staff. (Science NUS. Internal Bi-Monthly Newsletter – Faculty of Science, Jul-Aug 2001. p.1). [NUSL call no. LG399 NUSFS.SN]
2002 To further seek strategic, collaborative partnerships with renowned overseas institutions, faculty members have actively participated in the Overseas Attachment Programme (OAP) of the university in 2002. Faculty members have continued to strengthen ties with scientists in Japan under the NUS-JSPS New Scientific Exchange Programme (NSEP) of the university. National University of Singapore. Faculty of Science. Annual Report. 2002; p 71. [NUSL call no. LG399 NUSFS.AR]
2002 Another new initiative that came on stream in the year was the General Education Requirement. It requires students to take up modules other than those offered by their discipline, giving impetus to the broadening of education at NUS. Designed to broaden student’s intellectual horizons and develop their critical thinking skills and articulacy, it took effect in six faculties. National University of Singapore.  Annual Report, 2002;  p 29. [NUSL call no. LG 399 NUS.AR]
2002-2003 In the academic year 2002/2003, the Faculty of Science in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine will commence a new integrated undergraduate programme in Life Sciences. Designed to provide NUS undergraduates with fundamentals in biological and biomedical sciences, this curriculum will enable graduates to contribute to various life sciences initiatives in Singapore. (CDTLink: Centre for Development of Teaching and Learning: National University of Singapore, vol. 6 No. 1 March 2002, p. 13). [NUSL call no. LG399 CDTL]
2004 Launched in April 2004 as part of the Experimental Therapeutics Initiative by the Office of Life Sciences, the Medicinal Chemistry Program plays an integral role in drug discovery, providing the vital link between therapeutic target identification and the final delivery of drugs for preclinical trials. The program combines the expertise of 18 NUS researchers from the Biological Sciences, Chemistry and Pharmacy Departments (Faculty of Science), the Biochemistry and Pharmacology Departments (Faculty of Medicine), the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (Faculty of Engineering), as well as industry players. National University of Singapore. Faculty of Science. Annual Report, 2004; p 38. [NUSL call no. LG399 NUSFS.AR]
2004 A computational biology and biophysics play an increasingly essential role in biomedical science – one of Singapore’s key growth areas, the Faculty of Science has in the last few years taken strategic initiatives to develop greater competency in the two areas. It formed a computational biology cluster in 2004, which comprises 13 faculty members from the Departments of Computational Science, Statistics and Applied Probability, Mathematics, Biological Sciences and Physics.  The same year, together with the School of Computing, it launched a 4-year B.Sc. computational biology program. National University of Singapore. Faculty of Science. Annual Report, 2004; p 43. [NUSL call no. LG399 NUSFS.AR]
2001-2004 The Lucy and Alfred Wan Pharmacy Fund is to be established in the Department of Pharmacy, NUS in recognition of the distinguished services of Lucy and Alfred Wan to the Department of Pharmacy, NUS as teachers and leaders, educating a generation of Pharmacy graduates. A targeted sum of $300,000 is to be raised over three years … The main objectives of the Lucy & Alfred Wan Pharmacy Fund are … support of alumni activities, promotion of educational activities [and] promotion of external relations with industry and educational institutes. National University of Singapore. Dept. of Pharmacy Homepage.
2005 The Medicinal Chemistry Program established under the Experimental Therapeutics Platform of the Office of Sciences is a multidisciplinary initiative involving departments in the Faculties of Science (Chemistry, Pharmacy, Biological Sciences), Medicine (Pharmacology) and Engineering (Chemical and Environmental Engineering). The program aims to establish Singapore as a world renowned centre for medicinal chemistry research and to promote collaborative research between academia, research institutes and pharmaceutical companies. In addition, the program is committed to manpower training in the area of medicinal chemistry. (Provost’s office: President’s Quarterly Report (October-December 2005), p.1)
2005 2005 marked a watershed year when the Faculty involved its alumni in the University’s annual discretionary admissions exercise. The Faculty admits up to 10% of its first year students based on discretion, in line with the University’s practice of not focusing too rigidly on results, but to look for other qualities in its applicants from a holistic point of view. The Faculty firmly believes that an alumni perspective will greatly enhance its interview panels, coming in as it is, with their accumulated wealth of experience and expertise. In particular, it hopes to tap on their inputs on non-academic criteria that may influence the decision to admit such students – potential for leadership, entrepreneurship, contribution to society, personal achievement, etc. – which may be critical in producing successful graduates. OminiSci 1, 2005, p.3). [NUSL call no. LG399 NUSFS.OS]
2005 The former Department of Materials Science was officially established in the Faculty of Science in March 1996. The University has officially approved the establishment of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (DMSE), within the auspices of the Faculty of Engineering, effective 1 April 2005. Link
2005 AAPS-National University of Singapore (NUS) Student Chapter, set-up by graduate students of the Department of Pharmacy on 02 August 2005, is a non-profit student organization. AAPS-NUS Student Chapter aims to facilitate local student awareness of career opportunities and latest advances and discoveries in the pharmaceutical sciences. AAPS-NUS Student Chapter will also provide students interested in the pharmaceutical sciences with opportunities for professional and leadership developments. Provost’s office: President’s Quarterly Report (July-September 2005), p.1
2005 The Dept. of Pharmacy, together with Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine and the Faculty of Dentistry, organized the Centennial Medical Dinner, which was held at the Istana on 03 July 2005. Provost’s office: President’s Quarterly Report (July-September 2005), p.3
2006 Computational Science began in 1991 as a programme and a full-fleged department in Faculty of Science in 1996.  It was changed into the new Centre for Computational Science and Engineering (CCSE) in 2006 to focus on the research and postgraduate students training. The Centre will foster the multidisciplinary research in basic and engineering sciences. The research to be conducted in this Centre will be focused on a few niche areas where NUS, in particular Faculty of Science, already has strength and international stature.
Note: Prof Chen Yu Zong, Acting Head of Department of Computational Science joined Pharmacy in 2006.
National University of Singapore. Faculty of Science: Centre for Computational Science and Engineering website.
2006 The  Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice Faculty Tracks were approved by Provost Tan Chorh Chuan at Deans’ Meeting on 13 December 2006. Minutes of Deans’ Meeting
2006 The Dept [of Pharmacy] has formed a student chapter with International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR), which is based in USA. We are one of the only two institutions in Asia that have a student chapter with ISPOR.” “ISPOR is an international organization promoting the science of pharmacoeconomics and health outcomes research. (Provost’s office: President’s Quarterly Report (October-December 2006), p.1)
2006-07 The Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Prize (OURP) was first launched by the Provost Office in AY2006/2007 as an annual university-wide competition to encourage research and to recognise the best undergraduate researchers in NUS. UROPS: Undergraduate Research opportunities Programme in Science. – Singapore : National University of Singapore, Faculty of Science, [2009]
2007 TOH CHIN CHYE PRIZE – THNG SHU HUI, of the Department of Pharmacy, pipped seven other nominees to receive the Toh Chin Chye Prize in November 2007. The prize is awarded to first-year students for their outstanding academic performance, community service and participation in extracurricular activities. A former Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Science and Technology and Minister for Health, Dr Toh Chin Chye was also Vice Chancellor of the university in 1968. Link
2007 Pharmacy ’07 blazes trail for class giving at NUS.  With more than 1 out of 3 students from Pharmacy Class of ’07 making a gift in the first commencement class giving drive at NUS, a great tradition has been created for future classes to follow. Senior graduating students who wished to show support for their juniors facing financial difficulty came up with the entirely student-led initiative. Link
2008 The Office of Life Science, set up in 2001, was repositioned as the Life Sciences Institute (LSI). It continues to facilitate multidisciplinary life sciences research among the five core faculties: Engineering, Science, Medicine, Dentistry and Computing, as well as other affiliated institutions. National University of Singapore.Annual Report; 2008; p 26. [NUSL call no. LG399 NUS.AR]
2008 25 March 2008 The National University of Singapore (NUS) has launched The Singapore Academy of GxP Excellence (SAGE) in response to growing demand for safe and effective quality health products produced under stricter scientific standards of regulation.  Says Associate Professor Chan Sui Yung, Head, SAGE and Department of Pharmacy, NUS, “It will be the first centre in this region that will harness state-of-the-art technologies to deliver global programmes efficiently and effectively, and continually identify education and training gaps and provide relevant course content.” Link

Singapore Investment News May 2008 sedb.com page 3


2008 XIE FENG received his PhD in Pharmacy, and was awarded the 2007 Wang Gungwu Medal and Prize for the best thesis in the Natural Sciences. His thesis evaluated the impact of osteoarthritis on the quality of life of patients as well as its economic burden to the society. Osteoarthritis is a common chronic disease among the elderly in Singapore and around the world. Link
2008 The National University of Singapore Pharmaceutical Society won two NUSSU Challenge Shields – the Office of Student Affairs Most Creative Float Award for Faculty Clubs and the Best Float Presentation for Faculty Clubs.  As NUSPS is not a faculty club under NUSSU, the RAG performance became non-competitive in 2009. Link
2008 The MSc (Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology) programme was launched in August 2008 as a part-time programme. Link
2009 Food Science and Technology Programme [has the] 10th Anniversary Celebrations on 10-16 May 2009. National University of Singapore. Food Science and Technology Programme Home Page
2008/2009 A PharmD programme in Pharmacy will be offered in academic year 2009-2010…

The Clinical Pharmacy residency programme on Haematology and Oncology was approved.

The Division of Graduate Pharmaceutical Studies was set up and A/P Go Mei Lin became its first Chairperson.

National University of Singapore. Annual Report, 2007; p 32. [NUSL call no. LG 399 N US.AR] Link
2009 The Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) programme in Pharmacy was launched in August 2009 with a class of 5 students.
2010 The first student for Specialty Residency in Hematology/Oncology Pharmacy Practice Programme joined in August 2010.
2011 The Minor in Pharmaceutical Sciences programme was launched in January 2011 with 15 students from non-pharmacy majors joining the classes for Pharmacy undergraduates.

The Overseas Pharmacists Assessment Programme (OPAP) leading to the NUSAGE Postgraduate Certificate in Pharmacy Practice was launched in August 2011 with 4 students taking 6 Pharmacy modules.

2018 The Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Science programme was launched in August 2018 with a class of 32 students.
2020 The Bachelor of Pharmacy programme was launched in August 2020.
2020 The Department celebrated its 115th Anniversary with a virtual carnival on 12 December 2020. 
2021 The Pharmaceutical Science programme was offered under the newly launched College of Humanities and Sciences and the inaugural cohort was admitted in AY2021/22. 
2021 The Second Major in Pharmaceutical Science, was offered with effect from AY2021/22.
2022 From AY2022/23 onwards, the Master of Science (Pharmaceutical Science and Technology) programme will be available as a full-time programme.