Modular Courses (Stand-alone Courses)

Modular Courses (Stand-alone Courses)

Modular Courses (Stand-alone Courses)


With the modular courses, adult learners have greater flexibility for upskilling/reskilling with the following options:

  • Read modular courses in accordance to their interests, needs and aptitude
  • ‘Stackable’ option: Read and stack relevant modular courses towards Graduate Certificate(s)
  • ‘Stackable’ option: Read and stack relevant modular courses towards Master’s degree programme


Updated as of Sep 2022

Admission Requirements

For admission requirement of respective modular courses, refer to course catalogue.


Updated as of Sep 2022

Modular Course Offering

Modular Courses (Level 5000)  Can the course be used to stack towards a Graduate Certificate or a Master’s Degree?

Offering Semester

– Please note that the courses offered may be subject to changes. The courses may not be offered every academic year or the semester indicated.

PR5134 Advanced Skills in Pharmacy Practice* Yes 1, 5 Semester 1
PR5135 Foundations in Advanced Pharmacy Practice* Yes 1, 5 Semester 1

PR5137 Advanced Pharmacotherapy in Geriatrics*

(This Course Contributes Two Units)

Yes 2, 5

Semester 2

PR5198 Graduate Seminar Course in Pharmacy Yes 4

Semester 2

PR5203 Pharmaceutical Process Optimization and Control Yes 3, 4, 6 Semester 2
PR5210 Biologics: Processes and Technology Yes 3, 4, 6 Semester 2
PR5211 Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis^
^ New course title w.e.f. AY2021/2022
(formally known as “Pharmaceutical Analysis IV”)
Yes 4 Semester 1
PR5213 Pharmaceutical Process Validation Yes 3, 4
PR5214 Advances in Solid Pharmaceutical Formulations Yes 3, 4 Semester 1
PR5215 Drug Product Development: Understanding Drug Substances Yes 3, 4, 6 Semester 2
PR5216 Advances in Drug Delivery Yes 3, 4 Semester 2
PR5217 Formulation Science Yes 4 Semester 1
PR5219 Product Quality Management Yes 4 Semester 2
PR5220 Bioprocess Technology Yes 3, 4
PR5224 Pharmacoepidemiology Yes 4 Semester 1
PR5225 Preformulation Science Yes 3, 4

PR5237 Management of Older Patients*

(This Course Contributes Two Units)

Yes 2, 5

Semester 2

PR5238 Advanced Community Case Studies*  Yes 2, 5

Semester 2

PR5304 Fundamental Topics in Pharmaceutical Science Yes 4

Semester 1

* SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) funded modular courses. Learners must pass all assessment components to be eligible for SSG funding. Please note that SSG funding is limited in duration and subject to availability. 

All courses offered are of Four Units, unless otherwise stated.
The courses may not be offered every academic year/semester. Please note that the list of courses offered in an academic year/semester is subject to changes.

1 Stackable to Graduate Certificate (Advanced Pharmacy Practice)

2 Stackable to Graduate Certificate (Community-based Geriatric Pharmaceutical Care)

3 Stackable to Graduate Certificate (Pharmaceutical Process and Technology)

4 Stackable to MSc (Pharmaceutical Science and Technology)

5 Stackable to MPharm (Clinical Pharmacy) [MCP]

6 Students who have taken PR5213, PR5220 and PR5225 before AY2024-25 Semester 2 are precluded from taking PR5203, PR5210 and PR5215, respectively. 

Click here for the modular course (stand-alone course) descriptions.

  • Credit/grade transfer of any SSG-funded course to a MOE-subsidised Graduate Diploma/Bachelor/Master degree is not allowed if the course is taken whilst being enrolled in the Graduate Diploma/Bachelor/Master degree.
  • Credit/grade transfer of any SSG-funded course taken and subsequently requesting to be stacked to a MOE-subsidised Graduate Diploma/Bachelor/Master degree is subject to approval of the Faculty/School and MOE.


Updated as of Sep 2024

Application and Course Fee


The relevant graduate certificate courses are made available under the NUS Online Application Portal where the applicant can register as modular courses during the application period.

Course Fees

Modular course fees can be found in the NUS Online Application Portal or Course Catalogue. Besides modular course fee, students are liable to pay Student Services Fee (SSF)1, 2 as well.

SSF is payable for every regular semester, subject to prevailing rates.
2 For updates on SSF for CPE students, please refer to NUS SCALE website at

For enquiries regarding application, fees, subsidies and payment on modular courses, please contact SCALE at or +65 6601 8888.

The University reserves all rights to review and adjust fees and make changes to the programme structure and requirements as necessary and accordingly without prior notice.


Updated as of Sep 2024