Actual Day Highlights


Actual Day Highlights

  • March 10, 2018
  • Events

Date: 10 March 2018, Saturday
Time: 9am – 6pm
Venue: U-Town (Stephen Riady Centre Level 1, Multi-Purpose Sports Hall 1)


Despite the afternoon shower, the turnout at NUS Open Day 2018 was great! This year, besides the main programme talks delivered by A/Prof Rachel Ee and A/Prof Alex Chan, there were also sample lectures delivered by A/Prof Ho Han Kiat. We engaged the prospective students enthusiastically and also introduced the new programme in BSc (Pharmaceutical Science), complementing our flagship programme in BSc(Pharmacy). The Department would like to thank all visitors for their support and our academic staff as well as student helpers for their effort in making this a successful event!

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Date: 10 March 2018
Time: 9:00 am
Venue: U-Town (Stephen Riady Centre Level 1)

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