Bachelor of Science (Pharmaceutical Science) (Honours)

Bachelor of Science (Pharmaceutical Science) (Honours)

Bachelor of Science (Pharmaceutical Science) (Honours)


About this Programme

This exciting undergraduate programme, launched in AY2018/19, is designed to provide you with niche knowledge, skills and professional experience to build a career in the pharmaceutical, biomedical and consumer healthcare sectors. The programme is delivered by experienced academics from Pharmacy with contributions from outstanding professional and industrial colleagues. For diversity of ideas, you will also learn from leading experts from Chemistry, Life Sciences, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine and the Centre of Regulatory Excellence (Duke-NUS Medical School).

Starting from AY2021/22, the Pharmaceutical Science programme will be offered under the new College of Humanities and Sciences (CHS).

Learning and Assessment

With a small class size by intent, students will benefit from a blended learning experience with various web-based online learning tools while having greater face-to-face contact for problem-based learning and student-teacher interactions. Students will also actively engage in experiential learning with teaching conducted by industry experts as well as internship opportunities with pharmaceutical companies in Singapore.

What is Pharmaceutical Science?

Pharmaceutical Science belongs to a branch of science that comprises a range of scientific subjects that deal with various aspects of pharmaceutical substances that are used to manufacture the medicinal products. Therefore, Pharmaceutical Science forms the foundational scientific basis of the physical, chemical, biological and the biomedical aspects of drug properties and actions.

Some examples of subjects that are classified under Pharmaceutical Science include Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Pharmacoeconomics and Pharmacogenetics.

Advancements achieved in Pharmaceutical Science will impact drug discovery, drug formulation as well as the regulation and practice of Pharmacy.

Why choose this Programme?

Students joining this landmark programme would be trained in a range of foundational sciences that culminates towards an understanding of drug discovery and development, as well as a mastery of the regulatory and commercial environment in the pharmaceutical industry.

Programme Brochure

Please click the e-brochure below:

Student Testimonials

Please click the e-posters below:


2023 Testimonials


2022 Testimonials


Entry Requirements

The PHS programme is offered as a direct admission programme. Applicants to this programme must meet the entry requirements stipulated by the Office of Admissions.

Subject prerequisites for applicants holding:

Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level A very good pass in H2 Chemistry and
A very good pass in either H2 Biology or H2 Physics or H2 Mathematics.
International Baccalaureate A very good pass in HL Chemistry and
A very good pass in either HL Biology or HL Physics or HL Mathematics.
National University of Singapore High School Diploma A very good pass in Chemistry and in either Biology or Physics or Mathematics.
Polytechnic Diploma

Applicants will be considered for admission if their Diplomas are relevant and accredited to the NUS programme. The list of Diplomas accredited will follow that of NUS Science (Pharmacy) listed by the Office of Admissions.

For more details, go to:


Programme Structure

Year One and Two

The first two years of the programme is focused on foundation studies in bioorganic and medicinal chemistry and human medical sciences (anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology), which will underpin studies in pharmaceutical sciences. Pharmaceutical sciences covering key aspects of the drug discovery and development process will be taught with core topics in pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmaceutical analysis and formulation science. Students will also acquire quantitative and computational science knowledge in biostatistics and bioinformatics.


Year Three and Four

Core subjects are focused on research methodology, product quality and analysis and regulatory science. Students will develop breadth and/or depth with elective courses in specialized areas which address challenging and emerging areas in the pharmaceutical industry today. To integrate their learning, the final year culminates in a capstone research or industry project.


Programme Curriculum & Graduation Requirements

For Cohort AY2021/22 onwards:


Course Descriptions

The courses and descriptions can be downloaded as follows:

Note that the exact courses and content may be subject to changes as the programme progresses.


Sample Study Plans for Cohort AY2022/23 onwards: (updated Jun 2024)

The following are some sample study plans you may refer to when planning your courses and minors.

For Pharmaceutical Science Major:

For Pharmaceutical Science Major with Life Sciences Minor:

For Pharmaceutical Science Major with Forensic Science Minor:

The sample study plans may be subject to changes as the programme progresses.

Beyond the Classroom

Research Opportunities

Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (UROPS)

This programme allows undergraduates to participate in scientific research under the mentorship of academic staff members.

Pharmaceutical Science students who have completed two semesters of study with a GPA > 3.0 are eligible for UROPS. Units obtained from UROPS will contribute towards the graduation requirement of 160 Units for Pharmaceutical Science major.

For more details on UROPS, please refer to the following link:

Undergraduate Professional Internship Programme (UPIP)

This programme allows undergraduates to undergo a structured internship to gain invaluable on-the-job training in the spirit of experiential learning.

Pharmaceutical Science students who have completed at least 32 major-related Units (excluding SU or F courses) and at least 3 regular semesters are eligible for UPIP. Students who take part in UPIP can better understand available career options and match their interests with their long-term career goals. Upon successful completion of the internship, students will also be awarded with unrestricted elective units that would count towards their graduation requirement of 160 Units for Pharmaceutical Science major.

For more details on UPIP, please refer to the following link:

For internship opportunities, please refer to the following link:

Find out from our students on their learning takeaways during their UPIP internships at:

AstraZeneca, GSK & Roquette


Career Prospects

This comprehensive programme will equip students with a broad range of technical knowledge and skills across the pharmaceutical sciences. Students will have excellent career prospects in areas as diverse as research and development, manufacturing, sales and marketing, regulatory affairs, quality management and clinical trial management. Depending on the students’ interests, students may also find employment in areas outside the pharmaceutical industry such as biotechnology, consumer healthcare, patenting and licensing, or be the next generation healthcare entrepreneurs.

Students interested to expand and deepen their knowledge beyond the undergraduate programme can also opt to pursue further postgraduate studies, such as a Masters in Pharmaceutical Science and Technology (MPST), or Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). Postgraduate studies would further enhance critical thinking skills to work towards careers in academia, research or management.

“What’s next after graduation?” series
Click on the images to read more!

Wang Yiteng & Soh Han Qiang
(Class of ’22)
Doctor of Medicine (MD) Programme,
Duke-NUS Medical School

Ang Xiao Jun
(Class of ’22)

Yeo Hui Qing & Bian Xiaoyan
(Class of ’22)
Postgraduate Studies

Loh Yi Ying & Lim Joel
(Class of ’22)

Vedant Sandhu
(Class of ’22)
Ernst & Young Consulting



1. What is Pharmaceutical Science?

Pharmaceutical science belongs to a branch of science that comprises a range of scientific subjects dealing with various aspects of discovery, development, formulation, manufacturing as well as the quality assurance of pharmaceutical substances that are used to manufacture the medicinal products. Therefore, pharmaceutical science forms the foundational scientific basis of the physical, chemical, biological and the biomedical aspects of drug properties and actions.

Some examples of subjects that are classified under pharmaceutical science include medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical technology, pharmaceutical analysis, pharmacokinetics, pharmaceutical biotechnology, pharmacoeconomics and pharmacogenetics. Advancements achieved in pharmaceutical science will impact drug discovery, drug formulation as well as the regulation and practice of pharmacy.

2. What is the role of Pharmaceutical Scientists?

A pharmaceutical scientist is a qualified expert in aspects of the science and technology of medicinal products. This includes, but is not limited to, the discovery, development, manufacture, regulation and utilisation of medical products. Pharmaceutical scientists focus on how medicines work, how safe and effective products are brought to the market, their impact on the body and their effect on the prevention and treatment of disease.

Pharmaceutical scientists are hence equipped with specialised skills for jobs related to research and development, manufacturing, regulatory affairs, medical affairs, clinical trial management, quality control and assurance, sales and marketing, and entrepreneurship.

3. What is the difference between Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science?

Pharmacy involves the study of drug substances, medicinal products and the use of medicines in patients to achieve optimal therapeutic outcomes. While there are some foundational pharmaceutical sciences covered in the NUS Pharmacy programme, this programme is chiefly clinical in nature and leads to a professional healthcare degree and pharmacist licensing to support the handling and transactions of medications. As licensed holders of medication, pharmacists will be well-trained to advance patient-focused, medicine-centred healthcare practices.

This focus is in contrast to that of pharmaceutical scientists, who work towards the discovery, development, testing, manufacturing and understanding of the market and regulatory access of medicines. The NUS Pharmaceutical Science programme will cover a broad range of these disciplines in greater depth, but will not delve into clinical practice and does not lead to licensing like a pharmacist.


4. What is the programme duration?

The Pharmaceutical Science programme is a four-year degree programme. You are admitted directly into the Pharmaceutical Science programme in the first year of study. At the end of the four years, graduates are conferred the degree of BSc in Pharmaceutical Science, while those who have demonstrated good academic performance over the four years will be awarded the BSc (Hons) in Pharmaceutical Science degree.

5. What is the overall programme structure like?

The four-year direct honours degree programme will feature a mixture of traditional lectures, tutorials and practicals, with blended as well as experiential learning. You will undertake core courses in foundational sciences (e.g. physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology) before covering the full spectrum of pharmaceutical sciences (e.g. drug discovery and development).

In the 4th year, you are free to choose elective courses in more specialised areas of study (e.g. special drug delivery, applied pharmacokinetics and toxicokinetics). The curriculum also provides flexibility to pursue a broad-based education to explore other interests, such as taking up Double Majors or Minor programmes, e.g. Minor in Forensic Science, Business or Analytical Chemistry. During the four-year programme, you may concurrently participate in other academic programmes offered by the University or Faculty, e.g. NUS College Programme, University Town College Programme, NUS Overseas College Programme, Undergraduate Professional Internship Programme, as well as student exchange programmes etc.



6. What are the prerequisites for admission into Pharmaceutical Science?

Candidates should have very good passes in Chemistry (H2) and in either Biology (H2) or Physics (H2) or Mathematics (H2) or Further Mathematics (H2) taken at the GCE ‘A’ Level (or equivalent). For information on the Indicative Grade Profile for Pharmaceutical Science Programme (Direct Admission) in Academic Year 2024/2025, please go to For further information, please go to and and read the relevant application procedures for respective groups of applicants.

7. Is it possible to enter the Pharmaceutical Science programme without ‘A’ Level Biology?

Yes. ‘A’ Level Biology (H2) (or the equivalent) is not a compulsory subject prerequisite for application to the Pharmaceutical Science programme in NUS. ‘A’ Level Chemistry (H2) (or the equivalent) remains as the only compulsory prerequisite subject for entry to the NUS Pharmaceutical Science programme.

8. How many students are accepted each year?

Admission to NUS is based on academic merit and open competition among the applicant cohort. The admission number varies from year to year.

9. Should I apply for the BSc in Pharmaceutical Science or the Second Major in Pharmaceutical Science or the Minor in Pharmaceutical Science?

The BSc programme (15 Pharmaceutical Science courses) covers a greater depth and breadth of knowledge compared to the Second Major programme (10 Pharmaceutical Science courses) and the Minor programme (5 Pharmaceutical Science courses).

The four-year BSc in Pharmaceutical Science aims to train future pharmaceutical scientists with solid foundations in both theory and hands-on skillsets that are required for entry into the pharmaceutical sector. The programme focuses on the pharmaceutical sciences, culminating in an understanding of drug discovery and development, and appreciation of the regulatory and commercial environment in the pharmaceutical industries. You will be equipped to address complex pharmaceutical problems through integrated knowledge of pharmaceutical chemistry, biology, formulation science, technology and regulatory sciences. There are wide-ranging experiential learning opportunities that enhance readiness for the real world, such as industry internships, research attachments and overseas exchange programmes. Moreover, students from the BSc in Pharmaceutical Science programme will also be members of the NUS Pharmaceutical Society (NUSPS), our student society, where there are opportunities to take part in, or organise, various student-led activities, ranging from freshman orientation projects to welfare events. These experiences will give you a holistic university education with a vibrant university life.

The Second Major in Pharmaceutical Science aims to train Integrators who could connect the dots of the bigger picture, drawing knowledge from the pharmaceutical niche acquired in this second major combined with your primary majors from the sciences, social sciences or humanities, to address real-world issues in the pharmaceutical sector via an interdisciplinary approach.

The Minor in Pharmaceutical Science aims to train Versatilists who appreciate the complexity of the pharmaceutical sector with awareness that complements your primary majors.



10. What are the various opportunities that a pharmaceutical science undergraduate can expect, i.e., leadership building, research opportunities etc.?

You will have abundant opportunities to hone your talents and soft skills in NUS Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

NUS Pharmaceutical Society (NUSPS), a student-led organisation, comprises several sub-committees (e.g. media resource team, international relations) that work closely together with the mission to engage and empower the student body. You can be part of NUSPS by serving in the committees and in the process, develop interpersonal, leadership and networking skills, amongst many others.

You can also participate in other special activities/projects e.g. Pharmacy Youth Expedition Project, spend a year at one of the NUS Overseas Colleges, or participate in overseas exchange programmes. These experiences will broaden your horizons.

If you are interested in embarking on a research career, you can participate in the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme in Science (UROPS) under close supervision by our experienced department faculty members. These research opportunities are open to you as early as your 2nd year in the Pharmaceutical Science programme.

In your final year, you can undertake a final year research project, under supervision by our experienced department faculty members or industry partners. This will allow you to explore interesting and novel scientific or real-world issues and gain invaluable research experience. You may have the opportunity to showcase and present your research work in local or even international conferences.



11. What are the career prospects for pharmaceutical science graduates?

Graduates will be well-equipped to take up a wide variety of careers in pharmaceutical industries and businesses. Depending on their interests and capabilities, graduates can explore jobs in research and development, manufacturing operations, sales and marketing, regulatory affairs, quality management, pharmaceutical supply chain logistics, and clinical trial management.

By taking up a Second Major in Management, or Minor in Management or Entrepreneurship, we also envision our graduates will acquire grounding in commercial knowledge to be the nation’s next generation of pharmaceutical and healthcare entrepreneurs. The more entrepreneurial graduates have also set up their own business ventures.

12. Will pharmaceutical science graduates be able to switch to a totally different career path should they decide to do so upon graduation?

Yes, graduates from NUS Pharmaceutical Science will be exposed to a rigorous academic programme that prepares an individual for self-directed and lifelong learning to adapt to alternative career paths. The curriculum is designed to produce future-ready, well-rounded graduates with skill sets and knowledge that may also be useful in vocations that are not directly related to pharmaceutical science.

However, the Pharmaceutical Science programme does NOT lead to licensure and you will not be able to register or practise as a pharmacist. Consequently, a small number of industry jobs (e.g. regulatory) may still require employees to hold the pharmacist’s license and these jobs will only be available for licensed pharmacists. If you are interested in pursuing a career as a healthcare professional, you should consider applying for the BPharm programme.

Hear From Our Students

Inaugural cohort of Pharmaceutical Science students (Class of 2022)

The landmark NUS Pharmaceutical Science degree programme, which was offered from AY2018/2019, trains students in a range of foundational sciences, including drug discovery and development, as well as understanding of the regulatory and commercial environment in the pharmaceutical industry.

Hear from our students on their motivations and aspirations in joining the Pharmaceutical Science cohort, as well as their experiences embarking on this programme:

Alanna WONG Qi Yin

(Class of 2022)

SOH Han Qiang

(Class of 2022)

KONG Qi Herng

(Class of 2022)

ANG Xiao Jun

(Class of 2022)

LIM Joel

(Class of 2022)


(Class of 2022)

GOH Shiqing, Grace

(Class of 2022)

LIM En Tong

(Class of 2023)

Eric LEOW Yu Quan

(Class of 2023)

JIAO Zijin

(Class of 2023)

Damien CHEW

(Class of 2025)


Student Internship Experience

Zijin (Class of 2023) shares about her internship experience at MiRXES.


Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme in Science (UROPS) Experience

Nicole (Class of 2023) is our Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Prize Recipient for AY2021/22 and she shares more on the UROPS experience in her interview video below. 

Hear From Our Alumni

Hear from our alumni (Class of 2022 and 2023) about their learning experiences in NUS and how the skillsets they acquired from the Pharmaceutical Science programme has added value to their careers.


Lim En Tong
Class of 2023
QA Executive, GSK Tuas Vaccines, Future Leaders Programme


Jeannie Su
Class of 2023
Regional Study Coordinator, Labcorp


Gavin Han
Class of 2023
Assistant Research Scientist, Roquette Asia Pacific


Grace Goh
Class of 2022
Research Assistant, Cancer Science Institute of Singapore


Joel Lim
Class of 2022
Medical Engagement Executive, Sanofi Singapore


Ang Xiao Jun
Class of 2022
Formulation Associate, Craft Health Pte Ltd