Dr CHNG Hui Ting

Dr CHNG Hui Ting

Dr. CHNG Hui Ting

  • BSc (Pharm) (Hons), National University of Singapore
  • PhD, National University of Singapore
  • Department of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, National University of Singapore
  • 18 Science Drive 4, Singapore 117543
  • Tel: +65 6601 1058
  • Fax: +65 6779 1554
  • Email: phacht@nus.edu.sg

Current Position

Senior Lecturer, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore


“Bringing out the child in you”

Hui Ting’s teaching philosophy is to empower students through rekindling their own abilities to question, seek answers and understanding even when challenged, and reason with their own minds. She believes these abilities are intrinsic to every student as when they were a child, they were self-directed and active learners, problem solvers and generators, and they learnt rapidly and readily.

She currently teaches:

  • PR1111 Pharmaceutical Biochemistry
  • PR3116 Concepts in Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutics
  • PR3144 Principles of Research Methods
  • PR4207 Applied Pharmacokinetics and Toxicokinetics

In class, she is a proponent of active and collaborative learning. Outside class, she is actively engaged in the mentoring of student co-curricular activities which she believes provide students with a holistic university education and experience.


  • Registered Pharmacist, Singapore Pharmacy Council
  • Certificate of Completion in Medical and Health Professions Education, Centre for Medical Education, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore

Research Interests

  • Pharmacy education – collaborative learning, active learning, empathy, metacognition
  • Inter-professional education
  • Drug information in the areas of drug interactions, special populations, information seeking behavior

Selected publications

  1. Ng, GQ, Sklar, GE, Chng, HT. An evaluation of the completeness of drug-drug interaction-related information in package inserts. Eur J Clin Pharmacol (2016). doi:10.1007/s00228-016-2151-9. Available at: http://rdcu.be/mamU


  • HT Chng, SD Liew, MJS Gan. A comparison of jigsaw collaborative learning with didactic lectures in the teaching of clinical pharmacokinetics in special populations. 16th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference 2019, January 9 -13. Free Communications finalist.
  • HT Chng, WK Chui, SBL Ang, MTC Lim, EYL Tai and JLL Kee. Values-Based Interprofessional Collaborative Practice – From Education to Practice. 16th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference 2019, January 9 -13. Workshop speaker.
  • ML Wong, HT Chng, SY Liaw, KHC Lim, MTC Lim, EYL Tai and JLL Kee. Designing an effective IPE course/activity – A competency- and theory-based approach, with case study on how to run a Health Care Team Challenge (HCTC)TM. 15th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference 2018, January 10 -14. Workshop speaker.
  • CYR Ang, H Choo, SS Lee, HT Chng, WK Chui. Development of a scale to measure the interprofessional competencies of health professional undergraduates in NUS. Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) Conference 2017, 26 – 30 August. Short communication.
  • WK Chui, ML Wong, SY Liaw, HT Chng, and RCY Ang. Building assessment tools to evaluate effectiveness of interprofessional education and collaborative practice. 14th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference 2017, January 11 -15. Workshop facilitator.