Watson’s Internship

Watson’s Internship

Watson’s Internship 


Yeo Jia Min, Jamie (Class of ’22 Pharmacy student)

I thoroughly enjoyed my experience at Watsons pharmacy, as part of my PECT community rotation. The experience helped tie up the pharmacy curriculum nicely, with real life application of our pharmacy knowledge and skills. We were able to counsel patients under the supervision of our preceptors, make recommendations and even interventions when presented with prescriptions. The training programme included assignments and tutorials, which was intended for us to learn beyond the curriculum taught in school and beyond what we would normally encounter at the pharmacy. For example, we were exposed to topics such as supplements, vector-borne diseases, wound care and medical devices (eg. the use of inhalers, blood glucose monitors, epi pen etc.). Watsons provided me with a safe space to learn, which allowed me to ask questions, make mistakes and learn from them. My time at Watsons also made me gain huge respect for all community pharmacists out there, as the job is not as easy as it seems.

Lim Ming En Joshua (Class of ’21 Pharmacy student)

I completed 12 weeks of PECT internship at Watson’s Personal Care Stores. As a part of the Pharmacy final year capstone experience, the internship was a chance for me to integrate and apply what I learnt during the first 3 years of didactic classes. I enjoyed the experience working at a retail pharmacy, where I got to interact with customers first-hand and help them with their minor ailment concerns. I could put into practice the counselling skills and pharmacotherapy knowledge learnt previously. I was especially blessed with nurturing preceptors who challenged me to think critically and independently. The 3 months showed me the roles pharmacists can play in the community and how pharmacists can value-add to the healthcare delivery in Singapore. My preceptors also taught me how to manage difficult and demanding customers and I believe it is through these encounters that I honed my soft skills, patience and resilience. All in all, nothing beats learning on the job in the real world context and I am glad to have had this opportunity to grow as a pharmacist-to-be.