22 – 23 February 2018, The Science, Art and Regulation of Consumer Care Products: The Workshop

22 – 23 February 2018, The Science, Art and Regulation of Consumer Care Products: The Workshop

The Science, Art and Regulation of Consumer Care Products: The Workshop


22 – 23 February 2018


Block S14, Level 4
Science Drive 2, Lower Kent Ridge Road
National University of Singapore

Why Attend?

Live demonstrations on PBPK modeling & DPRA prediction
Formulation lab & advances in encapsulation technology
Practical tips on transdermal delivery
Network with internationally recognised scientific leaders


Giorgia Pastorin

A/P Giorgia Pastorin
Deputy Head (Research)
NUS Pharmacy

Prof Dr Alex van Herk

Prof Dr Alex van Herk
Principal Scientist
ICES, A*STAR & Eindhoven University of Technology

Suresh Valiyaveettil

A/P Suresh Valiyaveettil
NUS Chemistry

Eric Chan

A/P Eric Chan
NUS Pharmacy

Dr Bhashkar Mukerji

Dr Bhashkar Mukerji
Regulatory Affairs & Product Safety
Givaudan Singapore Pte. Ltd.

Prof Benjamin Boyd

Prof Benjamin Boyd
Drug Delivery Disposition & Dynamics
Monash University, Australia

Prof Wong Tin Wui

Prof Wong Tin Wui
Non-Destructive Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research Centre, iPROMISE
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia

Dr Li Chunxiang

Dr Li Chunxiang
Research Scientist
Singapore Polytechnic

Mr Pang Tit Keong

Mr Pang Tit Keong
Deputy Director (CCU)
Health Sciences Authority, Singapore

Dr Thomas Dawson

Dr Thomas Dawson
Senior Principal Investigator

Adjunct Professor
Department of Pharmacy and Drug Discovery
Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), USA


Dr Vivek Arjunan Vasantha

Dr Vivek Arjunan Vasantha

Dr Yuri Dancik

Dr Yuri Dancik

Dr James Chan

Dr James Chan
NUS Pharmacy

Dr Gopalakrishnan Venkatesan

Dr Gopalakrishnan Venkatesan
NUS Pharmacy


Day 1, 22 Feb 2018
0815 – 0845 Registration & Tea Reception
0845 – 0900 Opening Address
Overview on NUS Pharmacy Department & CoRE-Net
A/P Giorgia Pastorin & Prof Dr Alex van Herk
0900 – 0915 Introduction to consumer care products
A/P Giorgia Pastorin
0915 – 0945 Encapsulation technologies of consumer care products
Prof Dr Alex van Herk
0945 – 1015 Constructing your formulation – considering exipient interactions and impact on molecule behaviour
Prof Ben Boyd
1015 – 1045 Break
1045 – 1115 Cosmetic products regulation in Singapore
Mr Pang Tit Keong
1115 – 1145 Nanotechnology for cosmetic applications
Dr Li Chunxiang
1145 – 1215 Strategies to decrease toxicity in consumer care products (hair and temporary tattoos)
A/P Suresh Valiyaveettil
1215 – 1300 Lunch
1300 – 1315 Safety briefing
1315 – 1500 Hands-on training 1 – Encapsulation technologies
Prof Dr Alex van Herk & Dr Vivek Arjunan Vasantha
1500 – 1530 Tea Break
1530 – 1700 Hands-on training 2 – In-vitro evaluation of transdermal delivery through Franz diffusion cells: considerations & tricks
Dr Yuri Dancik
1700 – 1730 Discussion & debrief
Day 2, 23 Feb 2018
0830 – 0900 Tea Reception
0900 – 0930 Introduction to the concepts of physiologically-based pharmacokinetics (PBPK) modeling
A/P Eric Chan
0930 – 1000 Human cutaneous microbiome
Dr Thomas Dawson
1000 – 1030 Break
1030 – 1100 Safe fragrances: The IFRA commitment
Dr Bhashkar Mukerji
1100 – 1130 Local skin malignant melanoma treatment: Interplay of microwave and nanotechnology as permeation enhances
Prof Wong Tin Wui
1130 – 1200 De-briefing on data collection during day 1 practicals
1200 – 1330 Photo-taking & Lunch
1330 – 1340 Safety briefing
1340 – 1500 Hands-on training 3 – PBPK Simulation & Discussion
Dr James Chan
1500 – 1530 Break
1530 – 1700 Hands-on training 4 – Direct Peptide Reactivity Assay (DPRA) for determination of skin sensitization potential
Dr Gopal Venkatesan
1700 – 1730 Discussion & debrief
1730 – 1745 Feedback & concluding remarks

Workshop Fee

Regular Fee Per Participant CoRE-Net Members NEW Tertiary Institution Discount
(Including Research Institutes)
NEW Group Discount
SGD $1400 + 7% GST
(Total SGD $1498)
SGD $1260 + 7% GST
(Total SGD $1348.20)
SGD $500 + 7% GST
(Total SGD $535)
Additional 10% off when you register in groups of 2 or more. Registrants must be from the same company/institute.

Cancellation and Substitution Policy Cancellation must be received on or before February 12, 2018. Refunds will not be issued for cancellations received after this date. There is a SGD $100 processing fee on all cancellations. You may send a substitute registrant from the same organization. Substitutions must be submitted via email. To cancel or substitute your registration, contact phacuiy@nus.edu.sg.

Co-organised by:


We would like to convey our heartfelt appreciation to all our distinguished speakers, hands-on training demonstrators and participants for taking their precious time off to share their expertise and contribute in one way or another to the success of the workshop. It was heartening to know that our participants found the event relevant and really liked the topics in the program and their corresponding practical sessions. We sure hoped our participants had fun putting on their labcoats and getting their hands dirty (especially for those who have not step into the lab for a long time)!

Quotes from our workshop participants

“Great series of lectures and practical sessions with a broad coverage of topics that are of interest to the consumer care industry” -anonymous

“A lot of effort was put into the talks and practical sessions. Knowledgeable speakers and facilitators” -anonymous

“Good mix of science and regulatory topics covered” -anonymous

“Great organization of the entire workshop!” -anonymous

“Excellent demonstrators and experiments” -anonymous

News article from NUS Faculty of Science