21 – 22 January 2019, Engaging the Power of Community: From Tertiary Care to Patient Empowerment

21 – 22 January 2019, Engaging the Power of Community: From Tertiary Care to Patient Empowerment

Engaging the Power of Community

From Tertiary Care to Patient Empowerment


21 – 22 January 2019


Pharmacy Practice Skills (PPS) Hub S4 Level 2
Department of Pharmacy
National University of Singapore


The future of healthcare is transforming from quality to value and from healthcare to health. With the movement to shift health delivery beyond tertiary care hospitals to community for more effective and affordable care, the Department of Pharmacy at NUS is committed to provide continuing education and training support that is timely and relevant to the changing healthcare paradigm in Singapore and the world.

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Discuss the vision and the direction of integrated community care
  • Rationalize the importance of pharmacist involvement in delivering value-add care in the community
  • Describe the key features of quality training programs in the community
  • Describe the objectives of different types of services that are currently available in the community
  • Demonstrate skills to perform medication therapy management for wellness programs in the community settings


Professor Jean-Venable Robertson Goode

Professor Jean-Venable “Kelly” Robertson Goode, PharmD, FCCP, FAPhA, BCPS
Director of Community Pharmacy Practice and Residency Program
Department of Pharmacotherapy & Outcomes Science, School of Pharmacy
Virginia Commonwealth University

Dr. Chow Wai Leng

Dr. Chow Wai Leng, MBBS, GDFM (SG)
Director of Health Services Integration and Development Division
Ministry of Health

Associate Professor Joyce Lee

Associate Professor Joyce Lee, PharmD, FCCP, BCPS, BCACP
Domain Leader, Division of Clinical Pharmacy & Pharmacy Practice
Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Science
National University of Singapore

Ms. Chung Wing Lam

Ms. Chung Wing Lam, BSc(Pharm)(Hons), MSc(Clin Pharm Prac), BCPS, BCGP
Principal Pharmacist (Clinical)
Watson’s Personal Care Stores Pte Ltd. Singapore

Mr. Lum Zheng Kang

Mr. Lum Zheng Kang, BSc(Pharm)(Hons)
Registered Pharmacist
Postgraduate Student in Research
Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Science
National University of Singapore


Monday Day 1, 21 January 2019
Time Topics Instructor
0815 – 0850 Registration
0850 – 0900 Opening Address Dr. Joyce Lee
0900 – 1000 The Future of Community Care in Singapore Dr. Chow Wai Leng
1000 – 1030 Tea Break
1030 – 1130 Engaging the Power of Community: Pharmacists Expanding Opportunities to Improve Community Health Dr. Jean-Venable “Kelly” Robertson Goode
1130 – 1230 Rationale for Patient Care Services in the Community Pharmacy Settings Dr. Jean-Venable “Kelly” Robertson Goode
1230 – 1330 Lunch
1330 – 1430 Stepping out of the Dispensary – Different Shades of Community Pharmacists Ms. Chung Wing Lam
1430 – 1530 Establishment and Implementation of Community Pharmacist-led D-Care Program Mr. Lum Zheng Kang
1530 – 1600 Tea Break
1600 – 1700 Building a Year Round Immunization Program Dr. Jean-Venable “Kelly” Robertson Goode
Tuesday Day 2, 22 January 2019
0830 – 0900 Registration
0900 – 1000 Not Only From the Cash Register: Business Aspect of Patient Care Services Dr. Jean-Venable “Kelly” Robertson Goode
1000 – 1030 Tea Break
1030 – 1130 Community Pharmacy Residency Programs: Exploring Opportunities for Developing a Program in Your Company Dr. Jean-Venable “Kelly” Robertson Goode
1130 – 1230 Postgraduate year 1 (PGY1) Community Pharmacy Residency Step-by-Step Guide Dr. Jean-Venable “Kelly” Robertson Goode
1230 – 1330 Lunch
1330 – 1430 Diabetes, Multidisciplinary, Experiential (DIAMANTE) Program for the Community Pharmacists Dr. Joyce Lee
1430 – 1530 Activity Session: MTM & Wellness Program in the community (Part I) Dr. Jean-Venable “Kelly” Robertson Goode
1530 – 1600 Tea Break
1600 – 1700 Activity session: MTM & Wellness Program in the community (Part II) Dr. Jean-Venable “Kelly” Robertson Goode

Workshop Fee

Regular Fees Early Bird
(Register by 31 Dec 2018)
S$ 1000/pax S$ 900/pax

All prices stated are inclusive of 7% GST. Breakfast, lunch and tea will be provided.

Cancellation and Substitution Policy Cancellation must be received on or before December 31, 2018. Refunds will not be issued for cancellations received after this date. There is a SGD $100 processing fee on all cancellations. You may send a substitute registrant from the same organization. Substitutions must be submitted via email. To cancel or substitute your registration, contact phacuiy@nus.edu.sg.


Click here to register now!
Deadline to register extended to 11 January 2019!

For inquiries, please email to PIRC@nus.edu.sg
This is a SPC CPE recognized event.