Wonders of Pharmacy: Revolutionizing drug delivery at the nanoscale

Dr. Tian Chong has a strong experience working with supramolecules and molecular machines. After ending her post-doctoral fellowship, she started her independent career in NUS focusing on the development of biocompatible molecular machines and mechanically interlocked molecules and investigating their applications in drug discovery and delivery. Check out her research interest and motivation in research below:

Dr. Tian Chong obtained her Ph.D. degree at Tsinghua University, under the supervision of Prof. Yefeng Tang working on natural product total synthesis. In 2018, she joined the group of Prof. David Leigh as postdoctoral fellow, working on supramolecules and molecular machines. In 2021, she started her independent career in NUS Pharmacy. Currently, her main research interests focus on the development of biocompatible molecular machines and mechanically interlocked molecules and investigating their applications in drug discovery and delivery.

Article by NUS Pharmaceutical Society Academic Committee, Tan Yi Wen (Year 3 Pharmaceutical Science student)

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