Valued new faculty members of the Department

The Department welcomed 5 new academic staff recently. They bring with them valuable experiences and expertise to work in synergy with our staff and deliver the best possible research innovations and academic experience for our students. Get to know these individuals below.

Meet Dr Tian Chong,

Dr Tian is an Assistant Professor who runs “The Tian Lab”. Her research focuses on making and using functional molecules to address problems in drug discovery. Prior to this, she obtained a B.Sc. degree at the China Pharmaceutical University, and Ph.D. at Tsinghua University. She also completed her postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Chemistry at University of Manchester.

Meet Dr Tang Wei,

Dr Tang newly joined us as an Assistant Professor as well. Her research interest is in designing advanced delivery systems for precision nanomedicine, engineering immunotherapy and translational research. She studied Chemistry at the University of Science and Technology of China, and University of Georgia for B.Sc. and Ph.D., respectively. After which, she completed her postdoctoral fellowship at National Institutes of Health, USA.

Meet Mr Li Kaihui Benny,

Benny is an Adjunct Senior Lecturer with the Department and the Deputy Head and Principal Pharmacist at National Skin Centre. Being an avid clinical educator, he holds adjunct teaching faculty appointments at the medical schools and at National Healthcare Group cluster, in addition to his Clinical Educator Lead (Pharmacy) portfolio. His interest areas include patient safety, quality improvement, value-based care, inter-professional education, and learning strategies (facilitation and reflection).

Meet Dr Erica Grasso,

Dr Grasso received her Pharm.D. in Boston, Massachusetts (USA) before she worked as a hospital pharmacist and then as an intern programme coordinator. She joined our Department as a Teaching Assistant and is currently assisting with the B. Pharm. (Hons) programme with both module and developmental support.

Meet Ms Kelly Ng,

Kelly completed her undergraduate study in Medicinal Chemistry (B.Sc. (Hons)) at Queen’s University Belfast (Northern Ireland), before moving on to work as an assistant chemist in Singapore. She is currently a Teaching Assistant involved in lab demonstration and assistance for the undergraduate programmes.

Article by Ms Ng Shi Ying (NUS Pharmacy staff) 

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