Deriving joy in work, life and retirement

Perhaps you have been asked before “What do you want to achieve in life?” or wondered to yourself “What is my calling?”. For some people, they may have found their answers, yet for others, they are still searching. For those of us who are unsure, fortunately, we gained insight and were inspired by Mr Wu Tuck Seng’s “Last Lecture” on “Finding Meaning and Purpose through Hope” held in conjunction with Kent Ridge Alumni Family Day on 14 August 2021.

Mr Wu is the former Director and Head of the Pharmacy Department, National University Hospital (NUH). After 30-over years of a career in pharmacy, he summarized his meaning, purpose and hope in a sentence: “To apply pharmacy skills and knowledge (meaning) and fulfil medical aims (purpose) in all that he does, through his desire to be the best pharmacist he can be for his patients and staff (hope)”.

Mr Wu’s philosophy is encapsulated in his passion in implementation of clinical pharmacy services and pharmacy automation at NUH. He shared candidly about some of the milestones that he had accomplished, for example the NUH Inpatient Closed Loop Medication Management System, a first in the Asia Pacific which incorporated the Inpatient Pharmacy Automation System (iPAS), the NUH Outpatient Pharmacy Automation System, NUH myMeds App and patient-centred clinical pharmacy services in inpatient and outpatient. These initiatives have vastly improved work efficiency and increased patient safety in one way or another. Through stories and photos of his volunteering experiences in Singapore and overseas, we saw that his calling as a pharmacist went beyond work.

Although he has now retired, he continues to pursue his calling and contribute to the pharmacy profession in capacities such as being an advisor to the Pharmacy Department, NUH, a member of the NUH Ethics Committee, a member of the National Organ Transplant Ethics Committee, a member of the Dover Park Hospice Medical Professional Audit Committee and a member of NUS Pharmacy’s Pre-Employment Clinical Training I Oversight Committee. He also enjoys fishing, baking, walking and jogging.

When asked how he managed to juggle so many things so well, he responded, “Prioritize what’s important to you. To me, it’s the things that I can spend time, focus on and yet derive joy from that is key. Next, is to have enough rest so that you can deliver what is expected of you. Last but not least, maintain a good support system like your family and friends who encourage and keep you refresh.”

Before ending, he did not forget to urge the audience to discover their own destiny in life. He concluded, “If you have found your passion and calling, it is possible to treat your job as your hobby.”

We thank over 100 attendees, including staff, students, alumni and Pharmily friends, for spending your Saturday afternoon with us! For those who missed the lecture but are interested to hear from Mr Wu himself, you can watch a recording of the “Last Lecture” in the video below.

Article by Ms Ng Shi Ying (NUS Pharmacy Staff)

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