NUS Pharmacy & beyond – transformation after graduation  

The 3rd and final installation of the 115th anniversary #PassionPridePurpose contest has concluded on 15 October 2020. This time round, the theme was on transformation and alumni had the opportunity to showcase their photos before and after graduation. Many things may have changed, but one thing that was constant in the submissions was the friendship that stayed beyond school life. As you reminisce the good times you had in NUS Pharmacy, don’t forget to pat yourself on the back for the growth you have achieved. Thank you for digging out your old photos and sharing it with us. 

Congratulations to Mr Chong Jin Jian (Class of ’18) for winning the grand prize of $115 worth of NTUC Fairprice vouchers! The consolation prize winners are Mr Jonathan Francis Koh (Class of ’13), Ms Hilda Tay (Class of ’17) and Ms Say Mey Ling (Class of ’08). Take a look at the creative photo collages below.  

Other submissions can be found on our Facebook page under the post’s comments. 

We really appreciate everyone who have participated in these three installations of 115th anniversary #PassionPridePurpose contests. It was a great time reconnecting with you and may your #PassionPridePurpose continues in whatever you are doing! 

Article by Ms Ng Shi Ying (NUS Pharmacy Staff)