Journey from BSc (Pharm) to CEO in a CRO

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The newsletter team had a humbling conversation with Mr James Cheong (Class of ’93) recently, to learn about his journey from graduation to where he is today. James is currently the Chief Executive Officer of George Clinical, a leading global contract research organization (CRO) conducting clinical trials on behalf of pharmaceutical, medical device and biotechnology companies. He shared on what he finds fulfilling in his work and some common challenges faced in conducting clinical trials. We also took away nuggets of wisdom related to leadership. We have summarized James’ journey and highlights from our conversation in the following poster.

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With the implementation of policies like social distancing and work-from-home, the COVID-19 pandemic has definitely changed our day-to-day lives, from university education to business operations. The same goes to the clinical trial industry. We have encapsulated James’ insights on the impact of the pandemic on clinical trial operations in the following poster.

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We thank James for his precious time and sharing, and wish him the very best in shaping the future of clinical trial operations. We hope everyone find this sharing by James informative and beneficial. Stay safe and take care!

Article by Mr Khoo Weijian (Class of ’23)