Paying it forward at the Pharma Seminar

The NUS Department of Pharmacy, together with the Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore (PSS), Industry Chapter organised a regulatory-industry seminar titled “Smart Pharma: What lies over the Horizon?” on 30th August 2019. It was a very successful event, with insightful sharing by four eminent speakers – Mr Boon Meow Hoe, Dr Lai Weng Fai, Dr KPP Prasad, and Dr Bassel Iskandarani. The topics delivered touched on the future in the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry with the advent of Industry 4.0 and the role of regulators, with context to changes in the regulatory framework, with particular attention to the ASEAN region.

A/Prof Paul Heng also launched the Alfred and Lucy Wan Science Merit Scholarship, at this fundraising seminar. The Scholarship was established in fond memory of Drs Alfred and Lucy Wan, who are among the icons as researcher-cum-educationist professionals in NUS Pharmacy. They had collectively dedicated 68 years to Pharmacy education and were teachers-cum-mentors to several generations of Pharmacy graduates in Singapore. The goal of the Scholarship is to promote educational activities, in particular, in the areas of supporting deserving undergraduate students in their education; and fostering international networking between students in NUS Pharmacy and the other neighbouring countries of ASEAN.

Our heartiest gratitude and appreciation to all the donors for raising over $25,000 at this seminar!

For those who missed the opportunity to contribute to the Scholarship fund, you can still do so at the NUS giving website: We thank each and every one of you for your generosity in supporting and impacting students’ education positively.  

A/Prof Paul Heng giving an introduction to the Alfred and Lucy Wan Science Merit Scholarship

Dr Bassel lskandarani presented on “New Trends in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing”
Dr Lai Weng Fai speaking on “Smart Pharma, Wise Regulations”
Mr Boon Meow Hoe giving insights to “GMP Harmonization & GMP inspection reliance from a PIC/S perspective”
Dr KPP Prasad sharing on “Opportunities for Smart Manufacturing in Pharmaceutical Industry”
Participants were treated to a generous dinner spread sponsored by Johnson & Johnson after the seminar
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Article by A/Prof Paul Heng (NUS Pharmacy academic faculty, Class of ‘79) and Ms Ng Shi Ying (NUS Pharmacy Staff)