The gift of pain and goodness of laughter

The “Last Lecture” series, comprising 3 lectures, is organized in conjunction with the Faculty of Science’s 90th anniversary celebrations this year. The Pharmacy Alumni Group held the second “Last Lecture” on 17 August 2019, alongside the annual Kent Ridge Alumni Family Day celebrations at the NUS University Town. More than 30 alumni from the Class of ‘60s to ’19 gathered for an intimate afternoon sharing by Dr Tan Lai Yong, who conducted the “lecture” in a very interactive and engaging manner, filled with laughter!

Dr Tan had lived in Yunnan, China for 15 years with his family before taking on his current position as the Director for Outreach & Community Engagement, and also a Lecturer at the College of Alice and Peter Tan (CAPT), NUS. In Yunnan, he worked with organisations to care for the poor who needed medical attention. One of the lessons he learnt from the patients was that “pain is not always bad”. Through his interaction with leprosy patients, an infectious disease that destroys the nerves and disable patients from feeling pain, it sparked him that pain was in fact a gift. However, for many, we are too used to suppressing pain and would only face it when it starts affecting our daily life. He cited an example of a patient who tolerated the pain of a wound without seeking medical attention till he could not carry out his daily chores. By then, he had to amputate his legs.


Dr Tan Lai Yong facilitating a group discussion

On the topic of laughter, Dr Tan shared many interesting encounters in Yunnan such as peculiar English translation found on signages that reminded him to laugh and not be too uptight. He tied it back to how studying can be painful for some. He reminded everyone that laughter is always the best medicine. As a resident fellow staying amongst students in CAPT, he recommended a visit to the dining hall, a place where one can witness happiness and hear the laughter and joy of students. Dr Tan’s parting advice included reminders on the importance of nurturing strong family ties and support, and lifelong learning. This will help us cope with pain better and bring more laughter.

After the lecture, alumni and friends also stayed on to enjoy music, carnival and movie at the KRAFD, organised by the NUS Office of Alumni Relations.

The next “Last Lecture” will be held on 7 December 2019 (Saturday), 6.30pm, at the PharmD 10th Anniversary Dinner at Kent Ridge Guild House. Do not miss this final installment of the “Last Lecture” series! Find out more here.


Group photo of all the participants and Dr Tan Lai Yong


Dr Tan with Pharmacy alumni from CAPT



Article by Ms Ng Shi Ying (NUS Pharmacy staff)