
Dear alumni, fellow colleagues, students and friends,

As the year is coming to an end, I thought it is timely for me to make an “appearance” to say a few words and introduce the team behind this newsletter.

PharmConnect is a newsletter by alumni, staff and students, for alumni, staff and students. This is the 7th issue since it was first launched in April 2018. Besides serving to update readers about the happenings in NUS Pharmacy, the newsletter also shares successes and personal stories of alumni, staff and students. Each issue begins with an interview with our alumni – to learn from their rich experiences, be inspired, as well as to give them an opportunity to recall fond memories of their days in NUS. Thus far, we have heard from alumni of different graduating years, who are in different stages of their career and different areas of work such as clinical pharmacy, industry and even entrepreneurship. I am sincerely grateful for their time and words of wisdom. I am also thankful to the student writers who have contributed to this key feature of the newsletter. In the editorial team, I am supported by two very able staff, Ms Ng Shi Ying and Ms Tan Shuyun. This newsletter is made possible thanks to the strong support from our Pharmily!

Early this year, the Pharmacy Alumni Group, led by Ms Rachel Yeo from the Class of 2017, was formed. It is notable that her team of enthusiastic alumni were also the ones who pioneered the House system in Pharmacy in 2015! The group works together with A/P Chui Wai Keung and myself, who are the department alumni representatives. We organized a movie screening in March. In conjunction with the Faculty of Science’s 90th anniversary this year, we planned a series of “Last Lecture” for alumni, and also a graduation party for the Class of 2019. The 2nd “Last Lecture” was held recently and if you missed that, there is still a chance to catch the last of the “Last Lecture” series which will be held during the PharmD 10th year anniversary dinner on 7 December 2019 (read the related article in this issue for more information). Do keep a lookout for more information on the plans for year 2020 (besides our Department FB page, follow us on Instagram, Twitter (@nuspharmacydept) and LinkedIn)! If you have any suggestions on what you would like to see or do, please do not hesitate to let us know.

The past months have been really exciting for the Pharmacy profession. We saw the first batch of pharmacists concluding the Pharmacy-Based Immunization Delivery Certificate Training Program ran by A/P Joyce Lee. We celebrated the World Pharmacist Day on 25 September 2019, with many colleagues and alumni joining, presenting and winning awards at the 79th FIP World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and our own local 29th Singapore Pharmacy Congress (5-6 Oct 2019).

In this PharmConnect issue, we hear from two pharmacists who are making impact to patients’ lives in their own ways. This ties in very well with the #PassionPridePurpose campaign launched at the Congress. The campaign aims to refuel our passion and celebrate our pride as pharmacists, and to achieve purpose as valued partners in healthcare. At the same time, we read how freshmen were impressed upon the importance of teamwork in healthcare on Day 1 of school. Read to find out more about the Alfred and Lucy Wan Science Merit Scholarship launch, student-organized conference – Pheature, see students learning more about themselves through a study abroad programme, and celebrate the research achievements of A/P Giorgia and her team. There’s just too many good news to share, and there is only space for so many that can fit in this newsletter.

We hope to continue engaging you through future issues of PharmConnect and reconnect at our alumni events. I also hope 2019 has been a good year to you and wish you a healthy and enriching year 2020 ahead!



Hui Ting (Class of ’08)

NUS Pharmacy Department Alumni Representative
CHNG Hui Ting, PhD :: Lecturer, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Science, NUS.