Scientists, five stones, chapteh and satay – what do they have in common?

The Globalization of Pharmaceutics Education Network’s (GPEN’s) 12th biennial conference (GPEN2018), organized by the Department of Pharmacy, concluded on a high note last month (September). This was the first time the meeting was held at the National University of Singapore, and the very first time in Southeast Asia. The conference attracted more than 300 participants and representatives from over 50 universities and industrial partners representing 21 countries.

GPEN was established at the University of Kansas with the noble vision to provide an international platform for young pharmaceutical scientists to have scientific, professional and personal interactions. Recognizing the global nature of the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries that hire many of their graduates, Professor Ronald T. Borchardt, one of the founders of GPEN, sought to give these young scientists at the early stage of their careers, an exposure to the educational, scientific and cultural characteristics of the host countries. At its inception, GPEN membership included 13 universities spread across North America, Europe, Japan and Australia. At present, GPEN membership has grown to 52 universities from six continents including North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Australasia. Over the past 22 years, GPEN has helped inspire many young pharmaceutical scientists to become prominent academic and industrial scientists as well as senior executives and/or entrepreneurs. Many of them, in return, have provided contributions that continue to support GPEN. We believe that the legacy of GPEN will continue at GPEN2018 and beyond.

The 3.5-day long event started with the welcome address by Prof. Kenneth Audus (GPEN Chair; Professor and Dean, School of Pharmacy, University of Kansas) and opening address by the Guest-of-Honor, Prof. Freddy Boey (Senior Vice President, Graduate Education & Research Translation, NUS). Finally, through an intriguing scientific presentation of his research journey involving G protein signalling, Prof. Patrick J. Casey (Professor and Senior Vice Dean, Research, Duke-NUS Medical School) gave an inspiring keynote lecture for the young scientists at the opening. The participants were subsequently treated with high quality podium and poster presentations by graduate students and postdoctorates. The topics presented spanned across the various disciplines of pharmaceutical sciences, from pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmaceutical biology, to pharmacokinetics and formulation technology. To add the icing on an excellent scientific programme, the GPEN conference made room for light-hearted moments; for two evenings, participants were brought to the Marina Barrage and the Singapore Flyer to experience Singaporeans’ favourite and traditional activities such as durian tasting and playing familiar childhood games like five stones, chap teh, etc.

We thank GPEN for gifting an excellent opportunity to showcase the Department of Pharmacy, the National University of Singapore, and most of all, our “little red dot” nation – Singapore. The next GPEN conference will be held in University of Minnesota, United States, in 2020.


From left to right: Prof Patrick Casey (Keynote speaker), Prof Ronald Borchardt (GPEN Chair-Emeritus), Prof Kenneth Audus (GPEN Chair), Prof Freddy Boey (Guest-of-honour), attending the opening ceremony on 26 September 2018 at Kent Ridge Guild House (KRGH).



Attentive audience at the Keynote Lecture held during the opening ceremony at Kent Ridge Guild House on 26 September 2018.


Local Organizing Committee with Prof Ronald Borchardt at the Gala Dinner held in Function Hall, Singapore Flyer on 28 September 2018.
From left to right: Cheryl Wong (Student Chair), Dr Sim Hong May (Faculty member), Ouyang Hongyi (Student Chair), A/Prof Chew Eng Hui (Faculty Co-Chair), Prof Ronald Borchardt (GPEN Chair-Emeritus), Lee Sze Han (Student Chair), Prof Paul Ho Chi Lui (Faculty Co-Chair). Not in picture, Dr Yau Wai Ping (Faculty member).



Short recount of the event by
Lee Sze Han (Student Chair, GPEN2018, Class of ‘14)
A/Prof Chew Eng Hui (Faculty Co-Chair, GPEN2018, Class of ‘98)