The Biopharma Symposium: Process & Formulations, 3 – 5 September 2018

The Biopharma Symposium, co-organized by GEA-NUS Pharmaceutical Processing Research Laboratory (GEA-NUS PPRL), Department of Pharmacy, NUS and Roquette Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd., was held at NUSS Kent Ridge Guild House. The welcome address was delivered by Dr. Thierry Marcel, Senior Vice President, Research and Development at Roquette, France. He gave an insightful overview on the evolution of pharma industry in the biopharma market. This 2.5-day symposium consisted of lectures and panel discussions by acclaimed speakers on cell culture development, upstream and downstream process engineering and optimization, along with formulation, stability and analytical characterization for proteins and biopharmaceuticals. It ended with a half-day visit to Agilent’s Global Solution Development Centre.

With the exponential growth of the biopharma market globally, and strong interest in this region, this symposium was timely as it offered a comprehensive program aimed at introducing the latest in biopharmaceutical research and technological developments. It also aptly addressed the major challenges in biopharmaceutical manufacturing to efficiently produce high quality and stable biopharmaceutical products. This symposium had about 90 attendees, comprising R & D scientists, academics, biotechnologists, bioprocess engineers, analytical and process chemists, biopharmaceutical entrepreneurs, regulators, marketers and business development personnel.

GEA-NUS PPRL is an academic laboratory which provides state-of-the-art facilities and a dynamic environment for nurturing individuals into outstanding researchers and scientists for the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry. Its joint organization of this symposium with Roquette, a leading pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical excipients manufacturer offering multi-compendial grade materials for both upstream and downstream applications, featured again another successful example of academic-industry collaboration in the Department of Pharmacy.


Group photo – Biopharma Symposium



Attentive Audience


Panel Discussion



Article written by Ms Ooi Shing Ming Lesley (NUS Pharmacy research staff)