Finding a Pharmily

Freshmen Orientation is an annual affair that happens during the months of June and July. The various Freshmen Orientation Projects (FOPs) committees of NUS Pharmaceutical Society (NUSPS), namely: Pharmacy Orientation Programme (POP), Pharmacy Rag (RxAG) and Pharmacy Flag (RxFlag) had been working tirelessly to warmly welcome the freshmen into our Pharmily.

This is not without the influence of COVID-19 which left the committees having to adjust to multiple “new normals”. The much-anticipated FOPs had to transition between planning and executing physical and online programmes.

To kick-start the freshmen orientation journey, an e-POPcast session was organized on 7 June where freshmen had the opportunity to hear directly from seniors and NUSPS Staff Advisors about their experiences in university, useful tips on how to prepare for school and also clarify any doubts that they might have.

Soon after, RxAG committee launched Jumpstart, where the freshmen enjoyed 3 days of dance exposure over 8, 9 and 11 June. The freshmen were exposed to the genres of Broadway Jazz, Hiphop and Open Choreography, picking up new dance moves that they can show off to their friends.

RxAG Jumpstart

Concurrently, RxFlag committee also launched their online donation campaign on for the Community Chest in lieu of the traditional physical Flag Day. While the physical Flag Day was not possible, RxFlag will be focusing their efforts to collect online donations from the public and corporate donors to raise funds for the Community Chest. This donation drive speaks closely to RxFlag’s heart as SHINE Children and Youth Services, RxFlag’s partner beneficiary for 8 years, is one of the beneficiaries who will be receiving a portion of the funds raised for the Community Chest.

You can give to RxFlag Donation Drive here:

Following Jumpstart, the Pharmacy Orientation Camp (POC) – Veritas was held from 28 to 30 June. Building on their experiences from their virtual camp as freshmen last year, the organisers of POC’21 expanded the programme and explored numerous ways to engage the incoming freshmen. Classic games from the virtual programme last year were not forgotten and the freshmen thoroughly enjoyed the scavenger hunt, virtual escape room and inter-OG games.

Pharmacy Orientation Camp – Veritas

At the end of the day, the freshmen orientation experience is not just about games. It is also about the bonds and lasting friendships forged through the camp. The orientation group leaders played an important role in breaking the ice and forming the bridge amongst the freshmen by encouraging organic interactions. It is often through these interactions where friendships are formed and fortified. They are our silent heroes! Over the 3 days of laughter, games and great conversations during the camp, we saw the freshmen grew closer as they join and find their place in our one big Pharmily.

Shortly after Veritas concluded, the dance and costume trainings for RxAG began. Freshmen involved in RxAG as dancers underwent a series of dance trainings in their chosen choreographies in preparation for a recorded studio performance that will be broadcasted on 7 August. Freshmen were also given a chance to be exposed to the costumes committee who have been working tirelessly over the summer to craft outfits for the dancers of RxAG. The costumes exposure session allowed freshmen to pick up new skills such as hand-sewing and operating a sewing machine as they helped put the final finishing touches on our magnificent outfits for the dancers!

The series of beneficiary engagement activities for RxFlag also started on 12 July till 27 July. A series of fun and engaging virtual activities such as a trendy TikTok dance session, origami workshop, Pharmacy Day, a creative Art and Science Day, and an exciting Science Fair were planned for the children at SHINE. Freshmen were given the chance to attend these sessions as facilitators and to interact with the children.

After the RxAG and RxFlag’s activities conclude in end of July, freshmen can also look forward to the NUSPS Summer Fiesta (Pharmacy Orientation Week) occurring from 2 to 5 August where a series of talks and workshops will be held to help better prepare them for the academic year ahead. In addition, the freshmen will be introduced to their Team-Based Learning groups and Houses and have a chance to come to school to take part in physical activities. With the wide array of activities available for them, the freshmen are on track to kick-starting their student life as part of our Pharmily!

Follow us on Instagram (@pharmacy.orientation) to catch the highlights of the freshmen orientation experience!

Article by Ong Wei Siong and Ng Wee Kang (Class of ’23)

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