What’s the best memory of your times in NUS Pharmacy?

The 2nd installment of the 115th anniversary #PassionPridePurpose contest has recently concluded on 15 July 2020 after running for a month. As the theme was on “the best memory of your times in NUS Pharmacy”, we had the chance to walk down memory lane of our alumni as well as some current students. It is heartwarming to hear about the amazing times spent in NUS Pharmacy that formed the highlight of their education years. Many have found friends and some even met their life partners here. With grateful hearts, we thank you for sharing these personal stories with us.

We would like to congratulate Ms Rachel Goh (Class of ‘15) for winning the grand prize of $115 NTUC Fairprice vouchers! Mr Neville Chua (Class of ‘17), Ms Vivian Chin (Class of ‘17) and Ms Ada Tan (Class of ‘20) have won the consolation prize of $20 NTUC Fairprice vouchers too.

You can also read the other brilliant stories on our Facebook page under the post’s comments. 

This contest is held in conjunction with the 115th anniversary celebration for NUS Pharmacy. The last installation will run from 15 September 2020 to 15 October 2020. Do keep a lookout on our Facebook and Instagram for more details! 


Article by Ms Ng Shi Ying (NUS Pharmacy staff)