Back to school for a “Last Lecture”

In conjunction with the Faculty of Science’s 90th anniversary celebrations, the NUS Department of Pharmacy is organizing a three-part series of “Last Lecture” this year. A “Last Lecture” is a hypothetical “final talk” that academics are asked to think deeply about what matters most to them. The inaugural “Last Lecture” was held on 23 May 2019. Around 50 guests comprising alumni who graduated from the Class of ‘70s to ’18, faculty members and industry partners, gathered for a profound yet light-hearted sharing by Professor Lee Chuen Neng. The dinner was also graced by the Department Visiting Committee – Professor Robert Sindelar, University of British Columbia, Professor Clive Roberts, University of Nottingham, and Professor Joseph Guglielmo, University of California San Francisco. In his lecture, Prof CN Lee, who is an avid traveler with rich travelling experiences far beyond the typical tourist, used his travel stories as an allegory of life. Some of the takeaways from the lecture was to break free of comfort zones, stay curious and appreciate beauty with wonder and awe. Besides the lecture, guests were also treated to an evening of good food and music, and rich conversations with old and new friends.

The 2nd “Last Lecture” in this series will be delivered by Dr Tan Lai Yong on 17 Aug (4 pm), right before the NUS Kent Ridge Alumni Family Day, at the NUS University Town. 

View more photos of the 1st “Last Lecture” at:

Opening address given by Professor Chai

Professor Lee Chuen Neng sharing his philosophy of happiness through principles of travel

Conversations among alumni

Guests were inspired and curious after the sharing

The evening was accompanied with good music and food

Article by Ms Ng Shi Ying (NUS Pharmacy staff) 

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