Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science Outreach 2024

NUS Open House 2024

Virtual Session

This year’s Open House kicked off on 3 March with a virtual session on the Pharmacy programme where prospective students had a glimpse of the exciting career opportunities available to Pharmacy graduates. Faculty members A/Prof Lita Chew (Group Director for Allied Health, SingHealth & Head of Department, National Cancer Centre Singapore) and A/Prof Doreen Tan (Cardiology Specialist Pharmacist, National University Hospital Heart Centre), and alumnus Mr Tan Choon Han (Commercial Associate Director, Johnson & Johnson Asia Pacific) shared about their career journeys and provided insights on the diverse career options in both direct and indirect patient care.

On-campus Experience

The on-campus segment on 9 March saw enthusiastic crowds of prospective students and their parents at our programme booths, talks and master classes. Through interactions with our faculty members and student advisors, they had a comprehensive overview of the Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science curricula and career prospects, as well as the enriching student life and global opportunities.

Attendees at the Pharmacy talks had the opportunity to meet our speakers – A/Prof Lita Chew, A/Prof Doreen Tan and Mr Tan Choon Han from the virtual session on 3 March. They shared a more in-depth insight about the various career pathways and the collaborative practices of the discipline. A/Prof Tan’s talk also highlighted how NUS Pharmacy’s integrated curriculum – an active learning approach, incorporated with experiential learning prepares students for the challenges in the future.

The interactive Pharmacy masterclasses by A/Prof Priscilla How, Dr Chng Hui Ting and Dr Soong Jielin allowed prospective students to participate in the decision-making process of a real-life clinical case study. They also gained insight into how NUS Pharmacy structures its curriculum to incorporate live interactive classes, science practicals, skills labs, and collaborative learning workshops, to help students apply concepts in real case studies.

The Pharmaceutical Science talks by Programme Director Dr Yau Wai Ping gave prospective students the valuable insights on the programme structure and diverse opportunities that are available to students to craft their personalised undergraduate experience. Year 3 student, Mr Ryan Tan‘s sharing centred around his experiences, highlighting key aspects of his academic journey that has been monumental to his personal and professional development. A/Prof Chew Eng Hui’s master class provided an overview of how theoretical biochemistry knowledge can be applied in various pharmaceutical applications.

Another popular feature at the Open House was the Innovation and Impact Hub which showcased groundbreaking projects by NUS community that are making a tangible impact on society and the world. Research Fellow Dr Ayca Altay Benetti’s booth featured a novel topical gel formulation, PronioOA™ developed by her team, PronioBioTech. The water-based gel promotes cartilage regeneration and aids in alleviating the pain of osteoarthritis.

Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science Engagement Day 2024

Close to 120 prospective students attended the Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science Engagement Day on 20 April.

The first half of the programme allowed participants to learn through experimentation and experience first-hand interesting Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science concepts. They were able to understand the concept of controlled drug release via drug encapsulation and how it is relevant to pharmacy practice and in pharmaceutical science.

Following the inquiry-based learning session, participants from the Pharmacy session were joined by guest pharmacists – Dr Cheryl Tan (Senior Pharmacist, NHG Pharmacy); Dr Wang Aiwen (Faculty, Drug Information Pharmacist, Singapore General Hospital); Dr Goh Cheong Hian (Pharmacist, Adjunct Faculty, Deputy Director, Health Sciences Authority); Mr Aaron Yap (Pharmacist, Data Analyst, Health Sciences Authority); Ms Evelyn Pang (General Manager, Moderna); and Mr Lai Yi Feng (Assistant Director, Integrated General Hospital Programmes, MOHH). Learning through gamification, participants played a game by interviewing the guests and profiling their career, before the guest pharmacists revealed their roles and shared their career experiences.

Pharmaceutical Science participants had the opportunity to interact with our faculty members and have their queries answered through small group engagement.

One participant found the session engaging and informative. Another said, “I love how the panel of guests come from a wide variety of jobs, giving us insights in the many possibilities of being a pharmacist!”.

Article by Ms Tay Ket Ling (NUS Pharmacy Staff) and Dr Ong Pei Shi (NUS Pharmacy faculty, Outreach committee chair)

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