NEW Master of Pharmacy (Clinical Pharmacy) at NUS!

An exciting new opportunity is coming to NUS Pharmacy this August 2023 – the Master of Pharmacy (Clinical Pharmacy) (MCP) programme! Applications are now open until 30 April 2023! We have carefully crafted this degree with innovative teaching of the skills and knowledge needed to prepare you, our graduates, for future growth in your clinical pharmacy career.  You will recognize some of our outstanding faculty involved in this program such as A/Prof Christine Teng and A/Prof Priscilla How. We also have new faculty, Dr. Lisa Brennan, who brings with her fresh perspectives and experience in clinical pharmacy education.

We have included flexibility in the programme such that relevant graduate certificates from NUS can be recognized towards earning the MCP degree. Once you earn your MCP degree, it can be stacked towards the Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) degree which allows you to complete the PharmD in one year. At the end, the stacking allows you to get both your MCP and PharmD!

We recognise how busy you are, therefore we have provided a number of options to take this programme which will be friendly to your current work and family commitments. The MCP can be completed in one year (full-time) degree, or 2 to 4 years (part-time). Additionally, as an NUS alumnus, you automatically get a 15% fee rebate on tuition for our MCP programme!

For more information on our Master of Pharmacy (Clinical Pharmacy), check out our website or scan the QR code below. As the deadline for application is 30 April, wait no more, apply now!

Article by Dr Lisa Brennan (NUS Pharmacy Faculty)

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