InSPIRxE: Friends, old and new

We are pleased to conclude the end of another successful iteration of InSPIRxE (Inspiring Students in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science through Interactions and Enrichment), our flagship mentorship programme co-organised by NUS Pharmaceutical Society Academic Committee and NUS Pharmacy Alumni Group! We have summarized some key features of the programme in the infographic below.

To celebrate their achievements and friendships formed after 9 months of journeying, our mentors and mentees gathered at PPS Hub on a Saturday afternoon for a closing ceremony, graced by Head of Department Prof Christina Chai as our guest-of-honour. Highlights of the event include human bingo, testimony sharing and card making! Enjoy the photos taken during the Closing Ceremony as well as the video montage that showcased how the mentorship programme went for all the groups.

It is truly heartening to see how InSPIRxE has been beneficial to both our mentors and mentees. The 62nd Academic Committee is getting ready for the next iteration of InSPIRxE and we are excited to welcome returning and new mentors and mentees! May the takeaways from our participants in this iteration inspire you to join the next!

On behalf of the organising team, thank you all mentors and mentees for your time and dedication!

Article by NUS Pharmaceutical Society Academic Committee, Shania Anabel Wong (Year 4 Pharmaceutical Science student), Han Qi Chou, Gavin (Year 4 Pharmaceutical Science student), Kuu Wei Xiang Nicholas (Year 4 Pharmacy student) and Angelica Maureen Ang Xiurui (Year 2 Pharmacy student)

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