Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science Outreach 2023

NUS Open House 2023

Virtual Sessions

This year’s Open House started with informative virtual talks on the Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science programmes. The Pharmacy session on 25 February introduced potential students to the Pharmacy Profession and the Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) degree offered by the department. A/Prof Lita Chew shared about the Singapore pharmacy landscape and the plethora of services that pharmacists can contribute to in the healthcare industry, while Prof Paul Gallagher provided an overview on how the integrated degree programme develops students’ competencies for these services. The Pharmaceutical Science session on 27 February provided valuable insight to this unique integrative programme that covers the chemistry, biology and technology of medicinal products. A/P Ho Han Kiat highlighted the myriad learning pathways and exciting career opportunities available to Pharmaceutical Science students.

On-campus Experience

The Open House culminated with an on-campus event on 4 March that saw crowds of prospective students and their parents at our programme booths, talks and special class. Through interactions with our faculty members, alumni and students, they gained valuable insights into the Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science programmes and had a comprehensive overview of what each programme has to offer.

Attendees at the Pharmacy talk learnt about the various career pathways and the collaborative practices of the discipline. Dr Vivienne Shih, Specialist Pharmacist from National Cancer Centre Singapore, who is also the President of 116th Council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore, shared how a clinical pharmacist works in a healthcare team to deliver clinical services to patients. Ms Joyce Lim, Director of Partnerships and Market Development from Johnson and Johnson, spoke from her experience as an industry-based pharmacist about how she led her team to ensure timely supply of quality medicines to the patients. A/Prof Doreen Tan’s talk highlighted how our integrated curriculum – an active learning approach, incorporated with experiential learning prepares students for the challenges in the future.

The Pharmaceutical Science programme line-up included a master class for prospective students to get a feel of its small-group seminar-style lesson. Prof Eric Chan’s master class introduced the basic concepts of pharmacokinetics and their application in drug use. The talk by A/Prof Rachel Ee, Programme Director of the Pharmaceutical Science programme, provided the audience a better understanding of the programme structure and the diverse opportunities that are available to students to craft their personalised undergraduate experience. Year 4 student, Ms Jeannie Su’s engaging sharing on her academic and experiential learning experiences, also offered a glimpse of life as a Pharmaceutical Science student.

Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science Engagement Day 2023

Close to 70 prospective students attended the Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science Engagement Day on 15 April 2023.

The first half of the programme allowed participants to learn through experimentation and experience first-hand interesting Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science concepts. They were able to understand the concept of controlled drug release via drug encapsulation and how it is relevant to pharmacy practice and in pharmaceutical science.

Following the inquiry-based learning session, participants from the Pharmacy session were joined by guest pharmacists – Ms Ong Soo Im (Pharmacist, National Healthcare Group Polyclinics); Dr Wang Aiwen (Faculty, Drug Information Pharmacist, Singapore General Hospital); Dr Goh Cheong Hian (Pharmacist, Adjunct Faculty, Deputy Director, Health Sciences Authority); Mr Aaron Yap (Pharmacist, Data Analyst, Health Sciences Authority); and Ms Michelle Cheng (Pharmacist, Regional TA Head, Abbvie). Learning through gamification, participants played a game by interviewing the guests and profiling their career, before the guest pharmacists revealed their roles and shared their career experiences.

Pharmaceutical Science participants had the opportunity to interact with our faculty members and have their queries answered through small group engagement.

Article by Ms Tay Ket Ling (NUS Pharmacy Staff) and Dr Ong Pei Shi (NUS Pharmacy faculty, Outreach committee chair)

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