PHS FYP Symposium 2022 was a success!

The symposium concluded our first Pharmaceutical Science (PHS) Final Year Project (FYP) with fond memories in the difficult COVID period. It took place at Level 3, S16 Building in the morning on 30th March 2022. A total of 28 PHS final year students presented their findings in the form of posters to the internal audience, including PHS teaching staff and second and third year PHS students. The judges (Dr Tian Chong and Dr Chen Wenqian) were impressed by the high-quality works done by the students, thanks to their dedication and the support of their supervisors. According to Dr Tian, “the students have done a very good job!”. According to the survey conducted prior to the symposium, majority of the students (67%) agreed that they became more independent in the pursuit of knowledge as a result of the FYP experience. We should applaud our students for overcoming the great challenges for accomplishing their research goals during the COVID period, when the physical presence in laboratories was often restricted and things in general (e.g. delivery of chemicals) were severely slowed down. Our staff were also delighted to find out about the good job prospects of our PHS FYP students during conversations. Wish this cohort all the best in their future endeavors!   

Article by Dr Chen Wenqian and Dr Tian Chong (NUS Pharmacy academic faculty)

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