Taking active steps in self-care and preventive health

Ms Chung Wing Lam (left) and Mr Colin Tang (right)

The Department organised a Health and Wellness talk titled “Self-Care and Preventive Health – Pharmacists Share Some Tips!” in partnership with Office of Alumni Relations on 7 April 2022. It was held in a hybrid format with an in-person audience at the Shaw Foundation Alumni House and online participation via Zoom. The event drew a total of 168 attendees (online and in-person) from 9 countries which included Australia, Canada, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Netherlands, Philippines, United States and Singapore.

After two years of organising virtual events, it was refreshing to finally meet and speak to a live audience. Our alumni speakers Ms Chung Wing Lam (Class of ’09) and Mr Colin Tang (Class of ’14), both Principal Clinical Pharmacists at Watson’s Personal Care Stores Pte Ltd, were thrilled and delivered bountiful tips and resources to help our audience better manage their physical and mental well-being, and medications. They covered 4 main topics of self-care, diabetes management, smoking cessation and self-medication.

When the audience was posed a question on whether people with diabetes required a special diet, many answered yes. However, Ms Chung shared that the “special diet” of eating food with low glycemic index, avoiding sugary drinks, and exercising portion control is in fact a diet recommended for everyone, with or without diabetes. Healthy eating is also one of the seven pillars of self-care.

To encourage good practice in self-medication, Mr Tang shared guiding principles on when one should seek medical attention and stop self-medicating. On the topic of medication management and storage, he orientated the audience to the important information that is typically written on medicine labels and showed pictures of poor and good medicine storage practice.

The audience were clearly engaged, evidenced by the enthuasistic questions that rolled in during the “Q&A” segment. Ms Chung and Mr Tang patiently answered questions ranging from topics such as whether it is safe to take Western medicines together with traditional Chinese medicines to programmes on the management of diabetes and smoking cessation.

Health and Wellness is a series of talks organised by the NUS Office of Alumni Relations where medical and healthcare specialists are invited to share with the NUS alumni community on health-related topics. Find out more about the series at https://www.nus.edu.sg/alumnet/events.

If you would like to recap on the talk, a recording will be available on https://nus.edu.sg/alumnet/events/webinars/OAR soon. Stay tuned for more in-person alumni activities to come!

Token of appreciation presented by Dr Chng Hui Ting (top row) and Mr Samuel Tan (bottom row) representing Department of Pharmacy and Office of Alumni Relations respectively.

Article by Ms Ng Shi Ying (NUS Pharmacy staff) and Dr Chng Hui Ting (NUS Pharmacy academic faculty)

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