Inspiring the Next Generation - NUSPS Beyond

Over the past semester, the Academic Committee and Pharmacy Profession Awareness Committee from the NUS Pharmaceutical Society had the pleasure of hosting several webinars as part of a programme called “NUSPS Beyond”. Organised in collaboration with the NUSPS International Relations and Essential Medicines Committees, the webinar series served as a gateway for students to learn from clinical and industry professionals about the different career opportunities available in the market today.

The guest speakers, which included NUS Pharmacy alumni, dedicated their time and effort to share with pharmacy and pharmaceutical science undergraduates about their life experiences and insights about current trends transforming the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry. They also provided salient advice to students on how they could upskill to remain relevant in this volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) world. A robust discussion between our speakers and students often followed suit, during the Question-and-Answer segment, which helped to further tease out valuable nuggets of wisdom for our students to take back and ponder.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our esteemed guests for making time to share with us about their areas of expertise. We would also like to thank all our committee members for planning these events for the benefit of the student community. Last but not least, this event would also not be possible without the continued support and participation from our participants.

Scroll down to view the topics and profiles of our speakers in the collection of publicity posters below. Screenshots from the webinar sessions are also included, to showcase some highlights from the talks.

Article by Joel Lim (Director of NUSPS Academic Committee) and Alicia Goh (Director of NUSPS Pharmacy Profession Awareness Committee)

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