NUS e-Open House 2021

Despite the Open House being held virtually again this year due to COVID-19 safety measures, we held 2 successful sessions introducing the Pharmaceutical Science and Pharmacy programmes to our prospective students. This is going to be the inaugural curriculum of the Pharmaceutical Science programme being offered under the College of Humanities and Sciences (CHS).

College of Humanities and Sciences (CHS) e-Open House: Pharmaceutical Science Programme

The CHS e-Open House was held on the 27 Feb 2021. Live chats with Prof Eric Chan, Dr Yau Wai Ping and Dr Chng Hui Ting were held to address potential students’ queries. The Director of the BSc (Pharmaceutical Science) Programme, A/Prof Rachel Ee, captivated the audience with her talk on “Choose your own adventure: surprising careers in Pharmaceutical Science”. More than 150 participants attended the session which ended with a lively Q&A segment.

Pharmacy e-Open House 2021

The Pharmacy e-Open House was successfully carried out on 5 March 2021 with close to 120 participants. Prof Christina Chai welcomed the participants and the Chief Pharmacist A/Prof Camilla Wong enlightened the audience with an engaging talk entitled “Zooming in and out of the Singapore Healthcare System”. Prof Paul Gallagher and Dr Han Zhe gave a glimpse of how the integrated BPharm programme, that was newly minted in last year, prepares future pharmacists for the innovative new world of healthcare. A/Prof Doreen Tan awed the audience by her candid sharing of her experiences being a clinical pharmacist in Singapore. Ms Joyce Lim, our alumna from Johnson and Johnson, shared about the versatility of the Pharmacy degree with myriad roles in the pharmaceutical industry. The event ended with a lively Q&A session with the invited speakers, staff, alumni and students.

Short recordings of the e-Open House talk are available for viewing here: .

Article by A/Prof Koh Hwee Ling, Dr Ong Pei Shi and Dr Yau Wai Ping (NUS Pharmacy academic faculty)

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