New NUS Pharmaceutical Science course

The National University of Singapore (NUS) will be welcoming the first cohort of students to its brand new Pharmaceutical Science programme this coming semester.

Offered by the NUS Department of Pharmacy, the 4-year direct honours degree parallels the existing Pharmacy curriculum and caters to students intending to embark on careers in the highly specialised pharmaceutical industry.

The curriculum is designed to help incoming students bridge the skills gap between themselves and industry professionals, training them to take up roles in pharmaceutical companies such as research and development, sales and marketing, regulatory affairs, and supply chain logistics.

Students can expect to rub shoulders with outstanding professional and industrial colleagues, as well as learn from leading experts from Chemistry, Life Sciences, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine and the Centre of Regulatory Excellence (Duke-NUS Medical School).

Graduates will benefit from an abundance of career prospects in the pharmaceutical, biomedical, and consumer healthcare areas. The discoveries they make in the field of pharmaceutical science will transform drug discovery and formulation, as well as the regulation and practice of Pharmacy.

With the introduction of this programme, the university aims to provide a more streamlined workforce to meet the demands of Singapore’s burgeoning pharmaceutical landscape. 

The first intake of 30 students will start classes this August and graduate with a BSc (Pharmaceutical Science) in 2022.

Explore the NUS Pharmaceutical Science website here:

New education initiatives in NUS: