Pharmacy House System turns three

The Pharmacy House System was started in 2015 with the aim of creating a vibrant university life for our students.

Students take advantage of the House System to organise fun events, such as baking classes and steamboat gatherings, to foster a greater sense of belonging and camaraderie among House members.

More entrepreneurial students unleash their creativity to share unique experiences with their peers. For example, a partnership with the animal welfare organization, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD), has allowed them to host a dog therapy session for the Houses once a year.

The House system also allows students to contribute to charitable causes, organizing choir sessions at community hospitals or reminiscing with elderly patients to brighten up their day.

Strong faculty involvement in House events has strengthened ties between students and faculty members. They collaborate to design innovative events with active staff participation, such as “5tranded” featuring professors in comic strips as teasers leading up to the final event.

Now three years old, the House system has come a long way from its humble beginnings. Soon, the torch will once again be handed over to the next generation of House leaders.

With the boundless creative energy and endless drive that our students bring, the House system will become a cherished part of university life for students and faculty alike.

May the torch burn bright for years to come.