NUS Greater Good Series – Advancing the role of the pharmacist

As part of the NUS Greater Good Series, a lunchtime discussion was held on 4th April at the Regent Hotel Singapore on the topic “Advancing the role of the pharmacist through Education, Research and Collaboration”.

Moderated by A/P Rachel Ee (Director of Pharmaceutical Science Programme, Department of Pharmacy, NUS), the session analysed the latest advancements in the domain of pharmacy, with insights by prominent members of the pharmacy community such as A/P Lita Chew (Head of Pharmacy Department, National Cancer Center Singapore), A/P Alexandre Chan (Deputy Head (Clinical), Department of Pharmacy, NUS), and Ms Joyce Lim (Head of Marketing and Market Access, Johnson and Johnson).

Participants discussed the National Pharmacy Strategy which aims to transform pharmacy services across Singapore, and also explored the partnerships between NUS Pharmacy and the pharmaceutical industry which are spearheading efforts to advance the health and well-being of patients.

Through this session, participants gained a deeper appreciation of the developments that are taking place across the entire pharmacy sector in Singapore.

The NUS Greater Good Series aims to raise awareness of philanthropy and its impact on society. The series features talks by leading minds on topics such as service to the community, personal well-being and mental resilience.