DTEC workshop on peer learning and peer evaluation

Together with the Centre for Development of Teaching and Learning (CDTL), the Department Teaching Excellence Committee (DTEC) organized a workshop on peer learning and peer evaluation on 9 December 2022. It was attended by 34 participants. The experts from CDTL, A/P Soo Yuen Jien, Mr Alan Soong and Dr Mark Gan, introduced the concepts, good pedagogical practices and digital tools for effective peer learning and peer evaluation. In their Pharmacy modules, Dr Chng Hui Ting has experimented with different methods of peer learning (such as jigsaw collaborative learning, fishbowl discussion and team-based learning) while A/P Christine Teng has employed TEAMMATES for peer evaluation. In the Department of Food Science and Technology, Dr Liu Mei Hui has explored peer feedback on essay assignments. They were invited to the workshop where they candidly shared the benefits and challenges encountered in their endeavors. Working in breakout groups, the participants then brainstormed on designing peer learning and peer evaluation in their modules and discussed the potential challenges and possible solutions. The group presentations and sharing that followed tossed many thought-provoking ideas around. The workshop was highly interactive and enjoyable, with Pharmacy colleagues demonstrating strong camaraderie. It has clearly inspired many to reflect on their teaching pedagogies to effectively engage their students in active learning. It has also brought together colleagues to collaborate further to promote teaching excellence.

Chatting with CDTL team

Dr Chng sharing her experience with team-based learning

A/P Soo introducing good pedagogical practices

Prof Chai thanking all for a successful workshop

Article by A/P Chan Lai Wah (NUS Pharmacy faculty, co-chair of DTEC committee)

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