Head’s Message

As I write this new year’s message, I am painfully aware that it has been 2 years and counting since the start of the pandemic. When we finally emerge from this nightmare that never seems to end, we will most likely be a different person living in a changed world. The pandemic has tested our resilience, our ability to adapt to uncertainties at the drop of a hat, our self-worth and our priorities in life. We have taken so much for granted (families, the ability to travel, job security, our healthcare system, freedom and so on) and this pandemic has shown us that we need to count our blessings – and not wait until a pandemic forces us to recall the “good times”.

At the end of 2020, I thought that we had gone through hell and highwater with online teaching and assessments, safe distancing arrangements and all the disruptions that arose. I had high expectations of 2021 but little did I know that 2021 came with a different set of problems. This started with the “Great Resignation” – a COVID related phenomena that occurred globally. In our own Department, we suffered a significant turnover of support staff. Fortunately, we were able to recruit new blood into the Department and I am thankful for the help of colleagues who covered for the persons who left, as well as those who vetted through job applications and were part of the interview processes. #countourblessings

We launched the integrated Pharmacy curriculum in AY 20/21 and our Pharmaceutical Science programme under the College of Humanities and Sciences (CHS) was launched in AY 21/22. So 2021 was a busy year with the preparation and implementation of new modules while delivering the old curriculums, which will be phased out in 2-3 years time! Fortunately, the two undergraduate programmes continue to attract high calibre students. #countourblessings

The Department will sorely miss Prof Chen Yu Zong, Dr Lau Aik Jiang, Ms Tan Mui Ling, Dr Celine Liew and Dr Wong Lilian; who have either left through retirement or to pursue other opportunities. We are grateful for the years of friendship and their dedication to the Department and wish them all the best. On a positive note, we were joined by Dr Erica Grasso (teaching assistant), Ms Kelly Ng (teaching assistant), Ms Siti Nur Haziqah (teaching assistant), Dr Tan Yeong Lan (instructor), Dr Zhang Ruirui (instructor), Dr Chen Wen Qian (Asst Prof), Dr Tang Wei (Asst Prof), Dr Tian Chong (Asst Prof) and Dr Emina Obarcanin (on sabbatical from University of Dusseldorf). We welcome them into our Pharmily. #countourblessings

In spite of the pandemic and the disruptions to work, A/P Victor Yu and Dr Brandon Morinaka each won major MOE Tier 2 grants. Meanwhile Dr Shruti Bhatt was awarded the American Society of Hematology Global Research Award as well as the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Nextgen Star Award and Forbeck Foundation COVID Recovery grant. Dr Brandon Morinaka was selected to be part of the EMBO Global Investigator Network, a prestigious select membership of global young scientists. Internally in the Faculty of Science, Dr Chng Hui Ting and Dr Han Zhe won the Faculty Teaching Excellence award while Ms Yong Sock Leng won the Faculty outstanding service award 2021. Congratulations to all! #countourblessings

For those who are not yet aware but Jan 2022 is the start of my 3rd term as head of department. This has been a difficult decision for me as the past 2 terms had taken its toll personally. Nevertheless, what the pandemic taught me was to be grateful for the trust and the opportunity – I promise that I will do my very best to lead the Department. My leadership team comprises of A/P Gigi Chiu (Deputy Head, Education), A/P Rachel Ee (Deputy Head, Research), Prof Paul Gallagher (Deputy Head, Clinical), Dr Yau Wai Ping (Asst Head), and Dr Ong Pei Shi (Asst Head). They are my trusted colleagues who have made sacrifices in order to help run the Department. #countmyblessings

I am not sure what 2022 will bring. I know that this will be another challenging year, but we have been through many of such years already and we will prevail. My thoughts are with our “Pharmily” at large: our current and past students and our alumni. I hope that you are staying well and happy.

Wishing everyone a happy 2022: God Bless. #Begrateful

With best wishes,

Christina Chai