115th Anniversary Carnival – the show must go on

The COVID-19 pandemic had largely affected many plans but it certainly did not dampen our mood to celebrate the 115th anniversary of NUS Pharmacy. To recap, we organized a series of three #PassionPridePurpose contests, a Facebook live chat with our alumni, and opened up the Pharm.D. seminars for the first time for alumni to attend. The finale of the celebration was none other than the first ever virtual 115th Anniversary Carnival!

Photo with all the carnival packs ready to be mailed out

Even though we could not gather in person, we hoped to add a physical touch to the Carnival. Prior to the event day, our staff and NUS Pharmaceutical Society (NUSPS) 60th Exco prepared carnival packs and mailed them to our invited guests and the first 75 registrants as our way of saying thanks. It consisted of activity materials, some snacks and a gift from the NUS Office of Alumni Relations.

We had a great turnout of over 80 guests joining us for the virtual carnival, with the most senior alumni who graduated in 1980s. Having the carnival online also turned out to be a blessing in disguise as we were able to reconnect with our Pharmily members who are currently overseas. This would not have been possible if the carnival was held as a physical event. Special thanks to Dr Camilla Wong (Chief Pharmacist), Ms Yong Pei Chean (PSS President), A/Prof Chng Shu Sin (Asst Dean (Special Duties), Faculty of Science) and Ms Yong Lai Cheng (Associate Director, Faculty of Science – Alumni Relations) for gracing the Carnival.

Happy faces of our Pharmily members 🙂

The carnival started off with the first highlight – “Last Lecture”: The Faith of a Leap of Faith by Professor Lim Lee Yong. She joined the carnival all the way from Australia to give the lecture. Prof Lim shared her story of keeping faith, and taking the different leaps of faith to where she is now. Her life transitions are indeed inspiring and encourages the audience to be brave in taking their first step too.

“Last Lecture”: The Faith of a Leap of Faith by Prof Lim Lee Yong

Learning fun facts about the Department and NUSPS through Kahoot quiz!

It was also a significant occasion for NUSPS as 2020 marked their 60th anniversary. The Exco had specially arranged two students’ performances and a Kahoot quiz for the guests to learn fun facts about NUSPS and the Department. Past and present Exco and members gave their well wishes for the society as well.

Music performances put up by our talented students – Lim Zhen Heng (Class of ’22), Charlotte The (Class of ’22) and Andrea Sim (Class of ’24) (from left to right)

Last but not least, attendees were invited to participate in OveRxCooked, a remote pancake making/decorating challenge. The segment was led by our Panthusiasts – A/Prof Chui Wai Keung and A/Prof Lita Chew who are avid bakers besides their interest in Pharmacy. Several attendees also took up the challenge and made their own pancake creations from the materials sent in the carnival pack. This was certainly another highlight for the afternoon. A big thank you to OveRxCooked participants (Prof Christina Chai, A/Prof Camilla Wong, Ms Rachel Yeo (Class of ’17), Ms Vivian Chin (Class of ’17), and Ms Alicia Goh (Class of ’22)) for your enthusiasm!

Check out more photo highlights of the Carnival below!

Article by Ms Ng Shi Ying (NUS Pharmacy Staff)