Traces of Time in Growth

Preface: Growth runs parallel with time.

As the minute-hand continuously revolves clockwise, we are – figuratively and literally – growing. On the cellular level, new cells and tissues form to replace the old; on a personal level, the fruits of our labour and the bitterness of our failures both contribute valuable life-lessons that carry us forward.

In this issue of PharmConnect, we assumed a role analogous to a dendrochronologist – one that studies and understands the past events of a tree based on the rings on its trunk – and conversed with, not a tree, but with Mr Ng Cheng Tiang (Class of ’88) to understand his growth and takeaways in his diverse roles and responsibilities in both clinical and industrial pharmacy, as well as various associations and societies through the years.

An Extra Mile Beyond a Hospital Pharmacist

Cheng Tiang’s pharmacy journey began with fond and wonderful times in a multinational class of 33 students, with classmates hailing from Hong Kong, Malaysia, Mauritius, Pakistan, Philippines, and home country Singapore where diversity and polymorphism of cosmopolitan were evident. He subsequently worked at the National University Hospital (NUH) as a hospital pharmacist.

As a student, Cheng Tiang was already actively involved in NUS Pharmaceutical Society. This continued as he started working, where he went beyond his scope of work and served in multiple committees in Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore (PSS).

Cheng Tiang & his fellow classmates from the Class of ’88 (Pharmaceutica 1987/88)

When asked what motivates him to be actively involved in these “co-curricular activities” till today, Cheng Tiang shared that exposure to these societies allows one to firstly broaden his/her social and professional contacts, then the learning and understanding of decision-making processes will come naturally. In his journey, he has had the privilege to be connected with like-minded individuals in local and international events, and discuss various issues ranging from trivial to critical with total strangers, fellow colleagues and policymakers alike. This granted him opportunities to learn from people he comes in contact with, developing and growing together whilst building crucial professional network and strengthening friendship. The learning process is one that is continuous and lifelong.

Shining the limelight on the pharmacy profession

“Always continue to support our [pharmacy] profession!”

From his early beginnings in PSS, Cheng Tiang has clearly lived closely by this motto of his career. From conducting public education events, guest-speaking at community health programmes at 97.2 and 95.8 FM channel, bringing the 22nd Federation of Asian Pharmaceutical Associations (FAPA) Congress and 10th Asian Conference of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) to Singapore in 2008 and 2010 respectively, he seized any opportunity available to bring the profession to centre stage, to create awareness about the pharmacy profession in Singapore. His “growth” in societal work saw him through leadership roles in a myriad of associations, from the President of PSS, Vice President of FAPA, to member of the Singapore Pharmacy Council (SPC) from 2011 to 2020.

Cheng Tiang, as Singapore’s representative, at the Handing Over of FAPA Congress from Japan to Singapore (2006)

Leaving a Legacy, Nurturing Younger Pharmacists

Presently, a Scientific Affairs Director at Alliance Pharm (Singapore) Pte Ltd, and also one of the few pharmacists serving as the Chairman of the Medical Alumni Association, Cheng Tiang seeks to inspire and help grow future pharmacists in his area of work where opportunity arises. He stressed that pharmacists have an edge in the various functions throughout the life cycle of every medical/health product by virtue of the training and knowledge in the pharmacy programme – in R&D, manufacturing, quality, regulatory/medical affairs, supply chain, various business roles, and ultimately how other healthcare professionals and patients use the products correctly and safely. He also emphasized the importance of pharmacists to widen our network and strengthen collaborations with other healthcare professionals, especially in today’s context where interprofessional collaboration is paramount to deliver safe, effective and sustainable patient care.

Handing over to role of Chairman of Medical Alumni Association to Cheng Tiang (2020)

How has Cheng Tiang managed to do so much over the years, juggling his own job and association duties alongside his family commitments? His simple answer was “support”. He expressed gratitude for the support that came in the form of strong friendships made in the associations he served in, and a supportive wife and family!

In closing, when asked for any advice that he would like to share with alumni and current students, he encouraged everyone to expand their network and professional development by joining societies, beginning with NUS Pharmaceutical Society as a student, and progressing on to PSS and more! Indeed, “the world is more than just your 9 to 5”.

An afterword by the authors…

Similar to the process of dating and interpreting past events on tree-rings, our conversation with Cheng Tiang unveiled the traces of growth and development across his career span thus far. His effort in going beyond job-scopes, “glowing” the profession and growing the juniors definitely serve as a beacon of inspiration for many to follow. We sincerely thank him for this valuable session, and look forward to future engagements with students and alumni in the near-future!

An article by Mr Tan Seh Yi Joseph and Mr Tan Cheng Keat (Class of ’22)