Happy 10th birthday NUS PharmD programme!

10th birthday celebration for NUS Pharmacy’s PharmD programme

The Department organized a Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) 10th year anniversary dinner and “Last Lecture” on 7 December 2019. It was a night of multiple celebrations!

The 1st was to celebrate the 10th year anniversary of our PharmD programme with our PharmD alumni and friends, faculty, lecturers, preceptors, pharmacy managers and many who made the PharmD programme possible!

The 2nd celebration was a gathering of alumni to listen to the last instalment of the “Last Lecture” series of the year, organized in conjunction with Faculty of Science’s 90th anniversary celebrations in 2019.

The 3rd celebration was that of a thanksgiving – to give thanks to everyone who has brought the profession to where it is today. A key person leading this is no other than A/Prof Lita Chew, to whom we are truly grateful for the many years of her contributions as the Chief Pharmacist in shaping the pharmacy landscape in Singapore. A/Prof Chew delivered the “Last Lecture” where she shared stories about her personal journey from her humble origins to where she is today, drawing parallels from the poem Ithaka by C.P. Cavafy.

A/Prof Lita Chew delivering the “Last Lecture” – The Road to our Ithaka

Amidst the dinner, Dr Leticia Peh (Class of ‘19) and Dr Soh Hui Min (Class of ‘18) also organised some games to liven up the evening. It was then followed by a photo montage video that brought back many fond memories for PharmD alumni and faculty.

Thank you for being part of this PharmD journey with NUS Pharmacy. We look forward to many more decades of a fruitful and enriching PharmD programme for all!

If you have not had a chance to join us for any of the three “Last Lecture” in 2019, follow us on Facebook/Instagram to receive more updates. This year’s “Last Lecture” will tentatively be held in conjunction with the Kent Ridge Alumni Family Day 2020. See you there!

Group photo with representatives from each class of PharmD
Guests enjoying the dinner amidst conversations with old and new friends
Fun and games to liven the atmosphere at the dinner


Article by A/Professor Christine Teng, Dr Chng Hui Ting (NUS Pharmacy academic faculty) and Ms Ng Shi Ying (NUS Pharmacy staff)