Highlights from NUS Pharmaceutical Society

As part of our mission, NUS Pharmaceutical Society (NUSPS) serves to enrich and supplement student life in NUS Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science. In order to do so, the 58th NUSPS Executive Committee has set forth to be bridge between the Department of Pharmacy and the student body.

The goal for NUSPS is to engage members to participate in NUSPS activities, serving as a common platform to unite the five houses, NUSPS subcommittees and special projects. Beyond pharmacy, there are numerous opportunities with external partners. Some of which would include medicine, nursing and other allied healthcare professions. Furthermore, NUSPS serves to nurture a network with related healthcare professionals and industries.

Building on the excellent work of the 57th NUSPS Executive Committee, we are in the midst of planning more events to cater to the different needs of the student population, these are the welfare activities, academic sharing and external visits. In the upcoming weeks ahead, we have new activities lined up to cater to a wide variety of needs, starting with our very own Laser Tag welfare event, our Essential Medicines’ Know Your Medicines, Get It Right at Bukit Panjang, and many other fundraising events for the special projects.

We look forward to seeing you all participate in the NUSPS activities and all the best for the upcoming semester ahead!




Article written by Yeo Shao Jie (Class of ’21, President of the 58th NUSPS Exco) and Bryan Khoo Wei Chuen (Class of ’21, Media Resource Director of the 58th NUSPS Exco).