In Vitro Engineered Biosynthesis For Devising Pseudo-Natural Peptides


In Vitro Engineered Biosynthesis For Devising Pseudo-Natural Peptides

  • December 01, 2023
  • Events

Asst Prof Brandon I. Morinaka will be hosting a seminar on 05 December 2023, 4:00pm at S4A, Level 3, Room 08 to 10 (Bleomycin / Chloroquine / Digoxin Rooms). The invited speaker is Assoc Prof Yuki Goto and he will be sharing on In Vitro Engineered Biosynthesis For Devising Pseudo-Natural Peptides.

Date: 05 December 2023
Time: 4:00 pm
Venue: S4A, Level 3, Room 08 to 10 (Bleomycin / Chloroquine / Digoxin Rooms)

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