Event Highlights


Event Highlights

  • March 17, 2017
  • Events

Date: 17 March 2017, Friday
Time: 9.00 am to 4.00 pm
Venue: Foyer outside LT27, 28 & 29

Department of Pharmacy hosted a workshop on the Science Industry Day 2017 organised by Faculty of Science on 17 March.

The workshop aims to promote innovative research in delivery systems addressing current challenges facing pharmaceutical and cosmetic applications.


The theme of the workshop was “Solutions to Real-World Problems in Pharmaceutics & Cosmetics”. We were honored to have the following industry experts and researchers to share insights on interdisciplinary research and how technologies are applied in industry:

  • Dr Jaspreet Singh KOCHHAR, Senior Scientist at Proctor & Gamble’s Singapore Innovation Centre;
  • Dr Parajit KANAUJIA, Scientist III at the Institute of Chemical and Engineering Sciences, A*STAR;
  • Dr NG Wai Kiong, Programme Manager for Cluster Development and Strategic Projects at the Institute of Chemical and Engineering Sciences;
  • Dr George SHLIEOUT, Director and Head of Pharmaceutical Development and API Process at Abbott Laboratories;
  • Ms Josephine LEE, Manager for Clinical Data Quality Managers and Clinical Trial Associates for Regional Clinical Operations for Asia Hub, Bristol-Myers Squibb Singapore


There were also oral and poster presentation contests that allow participants to showcase scientific discoveries and there was an overwhelming response from both undergraduates and postgraduates. The award winners, who received a certificate and a cash prize of $100 each, were as below:


  • Best Oral Presenter: CHAN Yu Sen Alvin, final year undergraduate student
    • Presentation Title: “Evaluation of flow and electrostatic properties of pharmaceutical powders”.
  • Best Poster Winner: LOW Mei Wen, final year undergraduate student,
    • Poster Title: “In vivo efficacy of phenylboronic acid-functionalised polycarbonate hydrogels for polymyxin B delivery”


To read more about the Science Industry Day 2017, click here.

Date: 17 March 2017
Time: 9:00 am
Venue: Foyer outside LT27, 28 & 29

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