Class of 2014

Class of 2014


Class of 2014

PharmD has reinforced the importance of continuous learning in my pharmacy career. I have learnt to adopt a more critical and holistic viewpoint when reviewing information. Throughout the programme, especially during clerkships, I had the chance to apply knowledge I have learnt in clinical practice. From personal interactions, I have observed many good virtues of classmates, faculty members and preceptors. These people have definitely made me understand my own strength and weaknesses better and helped me improve on a personal level.



Being accepted into the 2-year NUS Pharm.D. programme after my basic degree and 4 years of work experience was a highlight in my career. It allowed me to take my clinical skills to a higher level and it put me through numerous challenges in appreciating areas of practice both familiar and unfamiliar to me. It has strengthened my aim towards being a “T-shaped” pharmacist with both broad-based as well as specialized knowledge.

The structure of the programme as a “1-year didactic, 1-year clinical rotation” model provides opportunity for both didactic and hands-on learning. The opportunity for overseas attachments under established preceptors in US institutions was extremely valuable, but so was working under the most outstanding and experienced pharmacists in Singapore. All the preceptors are leaders in their field and were role models for me in many ways. The overall experience and contacts made throughout the rotations will definitely benefit me professionally.

Personally, the programme allowed me to relook the pharmacy profession from different perspectives. Last but not least, the other Pharm.D. candidates were comprised of pharmacists from various institutions having diverse backgrounds and skills, which further made the learning journey holistic and rewarding.



The 2-year PharmD programme in NUS has been an enriching experience for me. I especially enjoyed the clinical rotations in the second year where opportunities were provided for us to integrate and apply knowledge acquired during our first year didactic programme. During the clinical rotations, constructive and useful feedback was provided by our competent and inspiring preceptors. These feedback and guidance were invaluable in improving and sharpening our skills in providing more holistic pharmaceutical care in our practice. This programme has definitely better equipped me with knowledge, skills and values required to be a better clinical pharmacist.

Last modified on 20 November, 2015 by Department of Pharmacy