Dreams are free, talk is cheap, action is king


Mr Sean Ang was the class representative for the Pharmacy cohort from 2006 to 2010. Since graduating, his career has been anything but boring. Sean is currently a smoking cessation specialist who runs his own training institute. How did he end up doing what he does today? What lessons did he learn from his different experiences? How did people around shape and impact him? These were some questions we asked Sean over an e-interview recently. We attempted to summarize the pearl points from his sharing in the poster below. At the end of the conversation, when asked to provide a piece of advice to people who would like to make a difference and see change, Sean said, “Dreams are free, talk is cheap, action is king”.

Let’s take a sneak peek at some of Sean’s experiences, lessons learnt, and “actions” that has taken place in the past 10 years through this poster.



Life is a marathon, and its control centre is our attitude. Through his lens, Sean also gave us a fresh perspective of his passion in retail pharmacy. Some people may perceive the role of a community pharmacist as mundane and boring, doing nothing more than dispensing in an environment where appreciation is lacking, but Sean was never bothered about that. “If you really see your job as that, that’s all it will ever be.” Indeed, we have seen how Sean goes above and beyond and takes charge of his experiences to make impact in different ways, always leading by example and enjoying the journey humbly, alongside his peers, colleagues and patients.

Sean worked as a Pharmacist at Unity Pharmacy for 5 years before starting his own training company.

In the current COVID-19 pandemic, Sean has yet again shown us the spirit of “taking action” and adapting to change. During the circuit breaker period, he started a podcast series titled “Life, Love and Lipidemia”, aired live every Sunday at 3pm. The series has a strong following as viewers take delight in learning from various professionals, drawing lessons from refreshing viewpoints to see how they can be applied in pharmacy and even having honest conversations about difficult topics.

Connect with Sean at his LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/seanangsr/ and head over to his YouTube channel to watch past episodes of Live, Love and Lipidemia at bit.ly/PharmacyMastery

Sean as a professional speaker and trainer now


Article by Elisha Teh Jia Yu (Class of ’22), Jeremy Chan Lin En (Class of ’22), Ms Ng Shi Ying (NUS Pharmacy Staff) and Dr Chng Hui Ting (NUS Pharmacy academic faculty Class of ’08)