“You can be whatever you want to be” (Ms Farhanna Farid, Class of ’15)

For someone who has not done powerlifting previously, Ms Farhanna Farid (Class of ’15) has impressively carved a name for herself within a short span of time in the sport, astounding everyone with her three times world record! She won a gold medal in her first national competition (Singapore Powerlifting Open, 2018) and then another three gold medals in her first international competition (Asian Classic Powerlifting Championship, 2018), all while breaking national and world records respectively.

However, being a powerlifter is just one of the many hats she wears. She is also currently a Medical Information Specialist at AstraZeneca and a powerlifting coach. In her day job, she provides support to healthcare professionals and patients, and processes adverse events reports for AstraZeneca’s vaccine project within the Asia Pacific region. Her role changes after work where she trains for about 2 hours, four times a week, and then conducts team training with her remaining time. As a coach, she reviews videos of athletes for form analysis and provides feedback as well as draft new weekly programs for them.

In her multi-faceted life, Farhanna describes the juggling of these three roles as “an ongoing game of tetris” as she finds it challenging to manage her time and fatigue amidst completing tasks and progressing in her own training. There are times when she does not have enough time to clear her coaching backlog, not to mention setting aside time for social life or unwind. To cope with the hectic schedule, she shares that “recognising what keeps me happy and motivated usually helps to strike the balance. I do believe when something means a lot to you, you will make time for it.

She shares with us more on the lessons she has gained from pharmacy and powerlifting and provided important advice to all on how we can discover our potential and achieve the seemingly impossible.

When asked to share a memorable experience from NUS Pharmacy, she recalled lessons in the Anatomy hall where handling the cadavers was an emotional experience which made her realize the importance of the role of pharmacists.

Farhanna’s plans moving forward is to break more World Records, take the podium on the World platform and grow the powerlifting community in Singapore. In the larger scheme of things, she would like to continue breaking barriers and the glass ceiling. In her words, “If someone has to blaze the trails, I will be more than happy to lead it. I hope to inspire more people to chase their ambitions even if they’re not your typical definition of achievements, inspire more women to find ways to empower themselves (lifting is a good outlet, just saying) and for people to love themselves for who they are.”

We thank Farhanna for taking time to share her story with PharmConnect readers despite her busy schedule. We hope readers are inspired to push boundaries to achieve the potential that they never knew existed. We wish Farhanna the very best and will continue to cheer her on in her pursuits!

Article by Ms Ng Shi Ying (NUS Pharmacy staff) and Dr Chng Hui Ting (NUS Pharmacy academic faculty)

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