Welcome to the Pharmily, Class of 2026!

It is that time of the year again where we warmly welcome the incoming batch of freshmen into our Pharmily. This year marks the return of full physical orientation activities for the first time in three years! It is indeed a momentous milestone for both seniors and freshmen alike. The various Freshmen Orientation Projects (FOPs) of NUS Pharmaceutical Society (NUSPS), namely: Pharmacy Orientation Programme (POP), Pharmacy Rag (RxAG) and Pharmacy Flag (RxFlag) had been working tirelessly since October 2021 to prepare for this occasion. This is not without the influence of COVID-19 which left the FOPs with much uncertainty and having to adjust to multiple “new normals”, albeit it being in their favour where restrictions were easing gradually. They had to transition between planning and executing hybrid and full physical programmes.

To kickstart the freshmen orientation journey, RxAG launched Jumpstart (13-14 June) where it was a two days camp to introduce freshmen to the various divisions of RxAG: Floats Construction, Costume Making and Dance. The freshmen had the opportunity to pick up new dance moves that they can show off to their friends, sew a scrunchie and cord organizer from scratch, and designed hand-held banners that will be used in the RxAG performance on 6 August.

RxAG Jumpstart

Next, the RxFlag committee also launched their beneficiary engagement programmes with our new partners: Lakeside Family Services (The GRIT Project) and Life Community Services Society. Freshmen and seniors had the opportunity to interact with the youths and children and engage them with interesting activities such as baking class, Pharmacy Day workshop, science experiments and many more. In addition, their online donation campaign on giving.sg for the Community Chest was launched in lieu of the traditional physical Flag Day. While the physical Flag Day was not possible, RxFlag will be focusing their efforts to collect online donations from the public and corporate donors to raise funds for the Community Chest. This donation drive speaks closely to RxFlag’s heart as Life Community Services Society will be receiving a portion of the funds raised for the Community Chest.

You can give to RxFlag Donation Drive here: https://www.giving.sg/campaigns/nus_pharmaceutical_society_rag_and_flag_2022.

RxFlag Online Donation Drive and Beneficiary Engagement Activities

The Pharmacy Orientation Camp (POC) – Aere Perennius was held from 20-23 June physically in school. Aere Perennius which is the Latin phrase for “more lasting than bronze”, is often used to describe intangible objects such as memories or feelings, which are long-lasting and would stand the test of time. Through this camp, it is hoped that participants will create a fond memory where they can reminisce many years down the road, and a sense of identity in NUS Pharmacy right from the start and even after graduation, where students continue to remain proud alumni.  In line with this, the organizers ventured into a Toy Story theme (a nostalgic and familiar childhood show) for the camp. Freshmen were invited to celebrate Woody’s birthday party, but they soon realise that Woody had been “toynapped”. They embarked on an adventure to rescue him in time for his birthday celebration! Freshmen thoroughly enjoyed the physical interactions through the Toys Underground Carnival, Inter-OG Competition, Minute-to-Win-It Challenges, finale Karaoke Night and many more!

At the end of the day, the freshmen orientation experience is not just about games. It is also about the bonds and lasting friendships forged through the camp. The orientation group leaders played an important role in breaking the ice and forming the bridge amongst the freshmen by encouraging organic interactions. It is often through these interactions where friendships are formed and fortified. They are our silent heroes! Over the four days of laughter, games and great conversations during the camp, we saw the freshmen grew closer as they join and find their place in our one big Pharmily.

Pharmacy Orientation Camp – Aere Perennius

Freshmen can also look forward to the annual Rocket Fuel, a module bridging workshop organized by seniors on 19 and 21 July. Pharmacy Orientation Week will also be taking place from 1-4 August where a series of talks and workshops will be held to help better prepare them for the academic year ahead. In addition, the freshmen will be introduced to their Team-Based Learning groups and Houses.

Lastly, the RAG Day performance will be taking place live on 6 August, 12.55pm at UTown Green where RxAG will put up a spectacular performance to thank the public who have donated to RxFlag previously. Join us as we come together to show our support for the performers!

RxAG Rag Day Performance 2019

With the wide array of orientation activities available for all incoming freshmen, they are on track to kick-starting their academic and student life as part of our Pharmily! Once again, a very warm Welcome to the Pharmily, Class of 2026!

Follow us on our Instagram and Telegram channel (@nuspharmfresh) to catch the highlights of the freshmen orientation experience!

Article by Ng Wee Kang (Year 3 Pharmacy student, 61st NUSPS Vice-President (Special Projects))

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