Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science Outreach 2022

This year’s Open House featured specially curated virtual talks on the Pharmaceutical Science and Pharmacy programmes, as well as face-to-face sample classes where prospective students got to meet our students and faculty for the first time since the start of the pandemic.

College of Humanities and Sciences (CHS) e-Open House: Pharmaceutical Science Programme

The CHS e-Open House was held on 28 February 2022. First in the programme line-up was a live chat session with Dr Yau Wai Ping and Dr Chng Hui Ting who addressed potential students’ queries. This was followed by the sharing about the myriad learning pathways and exciting career opportunities available to Pharmaceutical Science students by A/Prof Rachel Ee, Programme Director of the Pharmaceutical Science program. She was joined by inflight students, Ms Loh Yi Ying (Year 4) and Ms Jeannie Su (Year 3), who provided the audience with a glimpse of life as a Pharmaceutical Science student by sharing their academic experiences and extracurricular pursuits. More than 180 participants attended the session which culminated into a lively Q&A segment.

Pharmacy e-Open House

The Pharmacy e-Open House was held on the 3 March 2022. It attracted close to 120 participants. Our Head of Department, Prof Christina Chai, started the session with an interesting welcome address followed by A/Prof Chui Wai Keung, B.Pharm curriculum co-designer, who shared about how the integrated B.Pharm programme prepares students to be competent pharmacists, ready to serve and make a difference in the lives of patients. Afterwhich, A/Prof Lita Chew, who is an influential leader in the healthcare sector with over 25 years of practice experience, enlightened the audience with an engaging talk on the Singapore pharmacy landscape and her professional journey as a clinical pharmacist and administrator. Subsequently, Dr Dorothy Toh (Class of ’98), our alumna from Health Sciences Authority (HSA), provided a glimpse into the role of pharmacists in indirect patient care, by sharing with the audience her exciting work in the areas of pharmacovigilance and pharmacogenetics where her team played a vital role to ensure drug safety of medicinal products and health supplements within Singapore. This event concluded with a lively Q&A session between the speakers, staff and participants that was led by Dr Ong Pei Shi.

Physical Open House

The physical Open House, held on 5 March 2022, featured Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science sample classes to allow prospective students to get a taste of varsity life. A/Prof Doreen Tan shared how a mixture of teaching and learning pedagogies are inter-woven to provide a rich learning environment for Pharmacy students, followed by Year 2 students, Ms Noviani and Mr Santhosh, who shared about their own academic experiences. Similarly, to provide an insight of how a Pharmaceutical Science class is conducted, Prof Eric Chan covered basic concepts of pharmacokinetics and their application in drug use. Both classes were well subscribed with live attendance of more than 80 prospective students and their parents as well as more than 160 attendees via live streaming. Staff advisors, Dr Ong Pei Shi, A/Prof Koh Hwee Ling and Dr Yau Wai Ping were also onsite to address students’ questions following the faculty presentations.

Short recordings of the e-Open House programme talks are available for viewing here:

Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science Engagement Day 2022

Following the success of the Open House, the department welcomed more than 80 prospective students in-person at the Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science Engagement Day on 23 April 2022.

The engagement sessions allowed participants to experience interesting Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science concepts through hands-on laboratory activity. At the end of the session, participants were able to understand the concept of controlled drug release via drug encapsulation and how it is relevant to pharmacy practice and in pharmaceutical science.

After experiencing this inquiry-based learning session, participants were assigned into small groups where they had the opportunity to interact with our faculty members and have their queries about the programs answered. Additionally, Dr Leroy Koh shared his career experience as a clinical practitioner during the Pharmacy session.

We look forward to welcoming and further interaction with our prospective students in the next academic year!

Article by Ms Tay Ket Ling (NUS Pharmacy staff) and Dr Ong Pei Shi (NUS Pharmacy academic faculty)

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