Successful reach out to career advisors and teachers from junior colleges and specialized schools!

A/P Chui Wai Keung introducing the Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) Program to participants

The inaugural career advisor’s networking session was successfully held on the 2nd Nov 2022 where the Department welcomed 14 advisors and teachers from 13 junior colleges and specialised schools in Singapore. The purpose of this session was to introduce to participants the hallmarks of the Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) and Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Pharmaceutical Science programs. It also served to highlight the attributes necessary for a successful career in pharmacy and in pharmaceutical science so that participants would be better equipped to advise prospective students interested in these programs in the course of their work. This session was opened with a warm welcome address by our Head of Department, Prof Christina Chai. This was followed by the sharing of the signature pedagogy of the Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) program and the exciting career opportunities available to Pharmacy graduates by program co-director, A/P Chui Wai Keung. Afterwhich, A/P Priscilla How shared her experience as a faculty and clinical pharmacist, managing patients with renal diseases alongside physicians via two ambulatory care clinics at the National University Hospital, to provide a glimpse of the pharmaceutical care roles partaken by clinical pharmacists in today’s healthcare continuum. Subsequently, Dr Linda Hong went on to share about the multifaceted curriculum and flexible learning pathways available to Pharmaceutical Science students. This was followed by an engaging Q&A segment led by A/P Gigi Chiu. The event cumulated into two laboratory tours led by Dr Ong Pei Shi where participants toured the state-of-the art teaching and learning facilities at the Pharmacy Practice Hub and MD1 Level 5 wet science laboratory. Overall, this event was extremely well-received by the participants who feedback positively about improved understanding of the uniqueness and vast career opportunities offered by the two programs.

Dr Ong Pei Shi sharing inquiry-based learning approaches within the Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) and Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Pharmaceutical Science programs with participants during the laboratory tour

Article by Dr Ong Pei Shi (NUS Pharmacy faculty, Outreach committee chair)

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